(a) DOE may use administrative wage garnishment to collect money from a debtor's disposable pay to satisfy delinquent debt in accordance with section 31001(o) of the DCIA, codified at 31 U.S.C. 3720D. Treasury has issued regulations implementing the administrative wage garnishment provisions contained in the DCIA, at 31 CFR 285.11. DOE has adopted these regulations in their entirety.
(b) As described in Sec. 1015.201(e) of this part, under the DCIA (31 U.S.C. 3711(g)), DOE is required to transfer all debts over 180 days delinquent to Treasury for purposes of debt collection (i.e., cross-servicing). As part of its regular debt collection procedures, Treasury may use administrative wage garnishment on behalf of DOE.