Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 10  /  Part 1016  /  Sec. 1016.21 Protection of Restricted Data in storage.

(a) Persons who possess Restricted Data pursuant to an Access Permit shall store Secret and Confidential documents and material when not in use in accordance with one of the following methods:

(1) In a locked vault, safe, or safe-type steel file cabinet having a 3-position dial-type combination lock; or

(2) In a dual key, bank safety deposit box; or

(3) In a steel file cabinet secured by a steel lock bar and a 3-position dial-type changeable combination padlock; or

(4) In a locked steel file cabinet when located in a security area established under Sec. 1016.23 or when the cabinet or the place in which the cabinet is located is under DOE-approved intrusion alarm protection.

(b) Changes of combination: Each permittee shall change the combination on locks of his safekeeping equipment whenever such equipment is placed in use, whenever an individual knowing the combination no longer requires access to the repository as a result of change in duties or position in the permittee's organization, or termination of employment with the permittee or whenever the combination has been subjected to compromise, and in any event at least once a year. Permittees shall classify records of combinations no lower than the highest classification of the documents and material authorized for storage in the safekeeping equipment concerned.

(c) The lock on safekeeping equipment of the type specified in paragraph (a)(4) of this section shall be replaced immediately whenever a key is lost.