(a) DOE shall prepare a FONSI only if the related EA supports the finding that the proposed action will not have a significant effect on the human environment. If a required DOE EA does not support a FONSI, DOE shall prepare an EIS and issue a ROD before taking action on the proposal addressed by the EA, except as permitted under 40 CFR 1506.1 and Sec. 1021.211 of this part.
(b) In addition to the requirements found at 40 CFR 1508.13, a DOE FONSI shall include the following:
(1) Any commitments to mitigations that are essential to render the impacts of the proposed action not significant, beyond those mitigations that are integral elements of the proposed action, and a reference to the Mitigation Action Plan prepared under Sec. 1021.331 of this part;
(2) Any ``Statement of Findings'' required by 10 CFR part 1022, ``Compliance with Floodplain/Wetlands Environmental Review Requirements'';
(3) The date of issuance; and
(4) The signature of the DOE approving official.
(c) DOE shall make FONSIs available to the public as provided at 40 CFR 1501.4(e)(1) and 1506.6; DOE shall make copies available for inspection in the appropriate DOE public reading room(s) or other appropriate location(s) for a reasonable time.
(d) DOE shall issue a proposed FONSI for public review and comment before making a final determination on the FONSI if required by 40 CFR 1501.4(e)(2); DOE may issue a proposed FONSI for public review and comment in other situations as well.
(e) Upon issuance of the FONSI, DOE may proceed with the proposed action subject to any mitigation commitments expressed in the FONSI that are essential to render the impacts of the proposed action not significant.
(f) DOE may revise a FONSI at any time, so long as the revision is supported by an existing EA. A revised FONSI is subject to all provisions of this section. [57 FR 15144, Apr. 24, 1992, as amended at 61 FR 36239, July 9, 1996; 76 FR 63787, Oct. 13, 2011]