(a) Following completion of each EIS and its associated ROD, DOE shall prepare a Mitigation Action Plan that addresses mitigation commitments expressed in the ROD. The Mitigation Action Plan shall explain how the corresponding mitigation measures, designed to mitigate adverse environmental impacts associated with the course of action directed by the ROD, will be planned and implemented. The Mitigation Action Plan shall be prepared before DOE takes any action directed by the ROD that is the subject of a mitigation commitment.
(b) In certain circumstances, as specified in Sec. 1021.322(b)(1), DOE shall also prepare a Mitigation Action Plan for commitments to mitigations that are essential to render the impacts of the proposed action not significant. The Mitigation Action Plan shall address all commitments to such necessary mitigations and explain how mitigation will be planned and implemented. The Mitigation Action Plan shall be prepared before the FONSI is issued and shall be referenced therein.
(c) Each Mitigation Action Plan shall be as complete as possible, commensurate with the information available regarding the course of action either directed by the ROD or the action to be covered by the FONSI, as appropriate. DOE may revise the Plan as more specific and detailed information becomes available.
(d) DOE shall make copies of the Mitigation Action Plans available for inspection in the appropriate DOE public reading room(s) or other appropriate location(s) for a reasonable time. Copies of the Mitigation Action Plans shall also be available upon written request. [57 FR 15144, Apr. 24, 1992, as amended at 76 FR 63787, Oct. 13, 2011]