(a) Any authorized holder of an RD or FRD document who, in good faith, believes that the RD or FRD document has an improper classification status is encouraged and expected to challenge the classification with the RD Classifier who classified the document.
(b) Agencies shall establish procedures under which authorized holders of RD and FRD documents are encouraged and expected to challenge any classification status they believe is improper. These procedures shall assure that:
(1) Under no circumstances are persons subject to retribution for bringing forth a classification challenge.
(2) The individual who initially receives the challenge provides a response within 90 days to the person bringing forth the challenge.
(3) A decision concerning a challenge involving RD or FRD may be appealed to the Director of Classification. In the case of FRD and RD related primarily to the military utilization of nuclear weapons, the Director of Classification shall coordinate with the DoD. If the justification for classification does not satisfy the person making the challenge, a further appeal may be made to the Chief Health, Safety and Security Officer.
(c) Classification challenges concerning documents containing RD and FRD information are not subject to review by the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel, unless those documents also contain NSI which is the basis for the challenge. In such cases, the RD and FRD portions of the document shall be deleted and then the NSI and unclassified portions shall be provided to the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel for review. [62 FR 68509, Dec. 31, 1997, as amended at 71 FR 68737, Nov. 28, 2006]