(a) Requests regarding the contents of record systems. Any person wanting to know whether the Board's systems of records contains a record pertaining to him or her may file a request in person or in writing, via the internet, or by telephone.
(b) Requests in persons may be submitted at the Board's headquarters located at 2300 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 1300; Arlington, VA. Requests should be marked ``Privacy Act Request'' on each page of the request and on the front of the envelope and directed to the Privacy Act Officer.
(c) Requests in writing may be sent to: Privacy Act Officer, U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board, 2300 Clarendon Blvd., Suite 1300, Arlington, VA 22201. ``Privacy Act Request'' should be written on the envelope and each page of the request.
(d) Requests via the internet may be made on the Board's Web site at www.nwtrb.gov, using the ``Contact NWTRB'' icon on the bottom of the Home page. The words ``Privacy Act'' should appear on the subject line.
(e) Telephone requests may be made by calling the Board's Privacy Act Officer at 703-235-4473.