(a) Consistent with Sec. 420.32 of this part, DOE shall set forth general and special project activity-specific requirements for applications for special projects financial assistance in the program guidance/solicitation.
(b) In addition to any other requirements, all applications shall provide:
(1) A detailed description of the proposed project, including the objectives of the project in relationship to DOE's program and the State's plan for carrying it out;
(2) A detailed budget for the entire proposed period of support, with written justification sufficient to evaluate the itemized list of costs provided on the entire project; and
(3) An implementation schedule for carrying out the project.
(c) DOE may, subsequent to receipt of an application, request additional budgetary information from a State when necessary for clarification or to make informed preaward determinations.
(d) DOE may return an application which does not include all information and documentation required by this subpart, 10 CFR part 600, or the program guidance/solicitation, when the nature of the omission precludes review of the application. [61 FR 35895, July 8, 1996, as amended at 64 FR 46114, Aug. 24, 1999]