(a) Determination of represented value. Manufacturers must determine the represented value, which includes the certified rating, for each basic model of residential water heater either by testing, in conjunction with the applicable sampling provisions, or by applying an alternative efficiency determination method (AEDM) approved for use by DOE.
(1) Units to be tested. (i) If the represented value is determined through testing, the general requirements of Sec. 429.11 are applicable; and
(i) If the represented value is determined through testing, the general requirements of Sec. 429.11 are applicable; and
(ii) For each basic model selected for testing, a sample of sufficient size shall be randomly selected and tested to ensure that--
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(C) Any represented value of the rated storage volume must be equal to the mean of the measured storage volumes of all the units within the sample.
(D) Any represented value of first-hour rating or maximum gallons per minute (GPM) must be equal to the mean of the measured first-hour ratings or measured maximum GPM ratings, respectively, of all the units within the sample.
(2) Alternative efficiency determination methods. In lieu of testing, represented values for a basic model must be determined through the application of an AEDM pursuant to the requirements of Sec. 429.70.
(b) * * *
(2) Pursuant to Sec. 429.12(b)(13), a certification report shall include the following public product-specific information: The uniform energy factor (UEF, rounded to the nearest 0.01), rated storage volume in gallons (gal), first-hour rating or maximum gallons per minute (GPM), and recovery efficiency (percent).