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(g) Alternative determination of ratings for untested basic models of residential water heaters and residential-duty commercial water heaters. For models of water heaters that differ only in fuel type or power input, ratings for untested basic models may be established in accordance with the following procedures in lieu of testing. This method allows only for the use of ratings identical to those of a tested basic model as provided below; simulations or other modeling predictions for ratings of the uniform energy factor, volume, first-hour rating, or maximum gallons per minute (GPM) are not permitted.
(1) Gas Water Heaters. For untested basic models of gas-fired water heaters that differ from tested basic models only in whether the basic models use natural gas or propane gas, the represented value of uniform energy factor, first-hour rating, and maximum gallons per minute for an untested basic model is the same as that for a tested basic model, as long as the input ratings of the tested and untested basic models are within 10%, that is:[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR11JY14.066
(2) Electric Storage Water Heaters. Rate an untested basic model of an electric storage type water heater using the first-hour rating and the uniform energy factor obtained from a tested basic model as a basis for ratings of basic models with other input ratings, provided that certain conditions are met:
(i) For an untested basic model, the represented value of the first-hour rating and the uniform energy factor is the same as that of a tested basic model, provided that each heating element of the untested basic model is rated at or above the input rating for the corresponding heating element of the tested basic model.
(ii) For an untested basic model having any heating element with an input rating that is lower than that of the corresponding heating element in the tested basic model, the represented value of the first-hour rating and the uniform energy factor is the same as that of a tested basic model, provided that the first-hour rating for the untested basic model results in the same draw pattern specified in Table I of appendix E for the simulated-use test as was applied to the tested basic model. To establish whether this condition is met, determine the first-hour ratings for the tested and the untested basic models in accordance with the procedure described in section 5.3.3 of 10 CFR part 430, subpart B, appendix E, then compare the appropriate draw pattern specified in Table I of appendix E for the first-hour rating of the tested basic model with that for the untested basic model. If this condition is not met, then the untested basic model must be tested and the appropriate sampling provisions applied to determine its uniform energy factor in accordance with appendix E and this part.