(a) Unless an extension is authorized by the Director, Office of Personnel Security, DOE Headquarters, within 30 calendar days of receipt of authority to institute administrative review procedures, the Manager shall prepare and deliver to the individual a notification letter approved by the local Office of Chief Counsel, or the Office of General Counsel for Headquarters cases. Where practicable, the letter shall be delivered to the individual in person.
(b) The letter shall state:
(1) That reliable information in the possession of DOE has created a substantial doubt concerning the individual's eligibility for access authorization.
(2) The information which creates a substantial doubt regarding the individual's access authorization eligibility (which shall be as comprehensive and detailed as the national security permits) and why that information creates such doubt.
(3) That the individual has the option to have the substantial doubt regarding eligibility for access authorization resolved in one of two ways:
(i) By the Manager, without a hearing, on the basis of the existing information in the case;
(ii) By personal appearance before a Administrative Judge (a ``hearing'').
(4) That, if the individual desires a hearing, the individual must, within 20 calendar days of the date of receipt of the notification letter, indicate this in writing to the Manager from whom the letter was received.
(5) That the individual may also file with the Manager the individual's written answer to the reported information which raises the question of the individual's eligibility for access authorization, and that, if the individual requests a hearing without filing a written answer, the request shall be deemed a general denial of all of the reported information.
(6) That, if the individual so requests, a hearing will be scheduled before a Administrative Judge, with due regard for the convenience and necessity of the parties or their representatives, for the purpose of affording the individual an opportunity of supporting his eligibility for access authorization;
(7) That, if a hearing is requested, the individual will have the right to appear personally before a Administrative Judge; to present evidence in his own behalf, through witnesses, or by documents, or both; and, subject to the limitations set forth in Sec. 710.26(g), to be present during the entire hearing and be accompanied, represented, and advised by counsel or representative of the individual's choosing and at the individual's own expense;
(8) That the individual's failure to file a timely written request for a hearing before a Administrative Judge in accordance with paragraph (b)(4) of this section, unless time deadlines are extended for good cause, will be considered as a relinquishment by the individual of the right to a hearing provided in this subpart, and that in such event a final decision will be made by the Manager; and
(9) That in any proceedings under this subpart DOE Counsel will be participating on behalf of and representing the Department of Energy, and that any statements made by the individual to DOE Counsel may be used in subsequent proceedings.
(c) The notification letter referenced in paragraph (b) of this section shall also:
(1) Describe the individual's access authorization status until further notice;
(2) Advise the individual of the right to representation at the individual's own expense at each and every stage of the proceedings;
(3) Provide the name and telephone number of the designated DOE official to contact for any further information desired concerning the proceedings, including an explanation of the individual's rights under the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts; and
(4) Include a copy of this subpart. [59 FR 35185, July 8, 1994, as amended at 66 FR 47064, Sept. 11, 2001; 71 FR 68730, Nov. 28, 2006]