Unless generally authorized by Sec. 810.7, a person requires specific authorization by the Secretary of Energy before:
(a) Engaging directly or indirectly in the production of special nuclear material in any of the following countries. Countries marked with an asterisk (*) are non-nuclear-weapon states that do not have full-scope IAEA safeguards agreements in force. AfghanistanAlbaniaAlgeriaAndorra*Angola*ArmeniaAzerbaijan*Bahrain*BelarusBenin*Botswana*Burkina Faso*Burma (Myanmar)Burundi*Cambodia*Cameroon*Cape Verde*Central African Republic*Chad*China, People's Republic ofComoros*Congo* (Zaire)Cuba*Djibouti*Equatorial Guinea*Eritrea*Gabon*Georgia*Guinea*Guinea-Bissau*Haiti*India*IranIraq*Israel*KazakhstanKenya*Korea, People's Democratic Republic of*Kuwait*Kyrgyzstan*Laos*Liberia*LibyaMacedoniaMali*Marshall Islands*Mauritania*Micronesia*Moldova*MongoliaMozambique*Niger*Oman*Pakistan*Palau*Qatar*RussiaRwanda*Sao Tome and Principe*Saudi Arabia*Seychelles*Sierra Leone*Somalia*SudanSyriaTajikistan*Tanzania*Togo*Turkmenistan*Uganda*UkraineUnited Arab Emirates*UzbekistanVanuatu*VietnamYemen*Yugoslavia
(b) Providing sensitive nuclear technology for an activity in any foreign country.
(c) Engaging in or providing assistance or training in any of the following activities with respect to any foreign country.
(1) Designing production reactors, accelerator-driven subcritical assembly systems, or facilities for the separation of isotopes of source or SNM (enrichment), chemical processing of irradiated SNM (reprocessing), fabrication of nuclear fuel containing plutonium, or the production of heavy water;
(2) Constructing, fabricating, operating, or maintaining such reactors, accelerator-driven subcritical assembly systems, or facilities;
(3) Designing, constructing, fabricating, operating or maintaining components especially designed, modified or adapted for use in such reactors, accelerator-driven subcritical assembly systems, or facilities;
(4) Designing, constructing, fabricating, operating or maintaining major critical components for use in such reactors, accelerator-driven subcritical assembly systems, or production-scale facilities; or
(5) Designing, constructing, fabricating, operating, or maintaining research reactors, test reactors or subcritical assemblies capable of continuous operation above five megawatts thermal.
(6) Training in the activities of paragraphs (c)(1) through (5) of this section. [65 FR 16127, Mar. 27, 2000; 65 FR 26278, May 5, 2000]