(a) Each individual shall complete radiation safety training on the topics established at Sec. 835.901(c) commensurate with the hazards in the area and the required controls:
(1) Before being permitted unescorted access to controlled areas; and
(2) Before receiving occupational dose during access to controlled areas at a DOE site or facility.
(b) Each individual shall demonstrate knowledge of the radiation safety training topics established at Sec. 835.901(c), commensurate with the hazards in the area and required controls, by successful completion of an examination and performance demonstrations:
(1) Before being permitted unescorted access to radiological areas; and
(2) Before performing unescorted assignments as a radiological worker.
(c) Radiation safety training shall include the following topics, to the extent appropriate to each individual's prior training, work assignments, and degree of exposure to potential radiological hazards:
(1) Risks of exposure to radiation and radioactive materials, including prenatal radiation exposure;
(2) Basic radiological fundamentals and radiation protection concepts;
(3) Physical design features, administrative controls, limits, policies, procedures, alarms, and other measures implemented at the facility to manage doses and maintain doses ALARA, including both routine and emergency actions;
(4) Individual rights and responsibilities as related to implementation of the facility radiation protection program;
(5) Individual responsibilities for implementing ALARA measures required by Sec. 835.101; and
(6) Individual exposure reports that may be requested in accordance with Sec. 835.801.
(d) When an escort is used in lieu of training in accordance with paragraph (a) or (b) of this section, the escort shall:
(1) Have completed radiation safety training, examinations, and performance demonstrations required for entry to the area and performance of the work; and
(2) Ensure that all escorted individuals comply with the documented radiation protection program.
(e) Radiation safety training shall be provided to individuals when there is a significant change to radiation protection policies and procedures that may affect the individual and at intervals not to exceed 24 months. Such training provided for individuals subject to the requirements of Sec. 835.901(b)(1) and (b)(2) shall include successful completion of an examination. [63 FR 59685, Nov. 4, 1998] Secs. 835.902-835.903 [Reserved]