(a) Qualifying condition. The site shall be located such that any subsurface rock dissolution will not be likely to lead to radionuclide releases greater than those allowable under the requirements specified in Sec. 960.4-1. In predicting the likelihood of dissolution within the geologic setting at a site, the DOE will consider the evidence of dissolution within that setting during the Quaternary Period, including the locations and characteristics of dissolution fronts or other dissolution features, if identified.
(b) Favorable condition. No evidence that the host rock within the site was subject to significant dissolution during the Quaternary Period.
(c) Potentially adverse condition. Evidence of dissolution within the geologic setting--such as breccia pipes, dissolution cavities, significant volumetric reduction of the host rock or surrounding strata, or any structural collapse--such that a hydraulic interconnection leading to a loss of waste isolation could occur.
(d) Disqualifying condition. The site shall be disqualified if it is likely that, during the first 10,000 years after closure, active dissolution, as predicted on the basis of the geologic record, would result in a loss of waste isolation.