In addition to defraying expenses in connection with a campaign for federal office, funds in a campaign account or an account described in 11 CFR 113.3:
(a) May be used to defray any ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in connection with the recipient's duties as a holder of Federal office, if applicable, including:
(1) The costs of travel by the recipient Federal officeholder and an accompanying spouse to participate in a function directly connected to bona fide official responsibilities, such as a fact-finding meeting or an event at which the officeholder's services are provided through a speech or appearance in an official capacity; and
(2) The costs of winding down the office of a former Federal officeholder for a period of 6 months after he or she leaves office; or
(b) May be contributed to any organization described in section 170(c) of Title 26, of the United States Code; or
(c) May be transferred without limitation to any national, State, or local committee of any political party; or
(d) May be donated to State and local candidates subject to the provisions of State law; or
(e) May be used for any other lawful purpose, unless such use is personal use under 11 CFR 113.1(g).
(f)(1) Except as limited by paragraph (f)(5) of this section, a qualified Member who serves in the 102d or an earlier Congress may convert to personal use no more than the unobligated balance of excess funds as of November 30, 1989. This unobligated balance shall be calculated under either paragraph (f)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section.
(1) Except as limited by paragraph (f)(5) of this section, a qualified Member who serves in the 102d or an earlier Congress may convert to personal use no more than the unobligated balance of excess funds as of November 30, 1989. This unobligated balance shall be calculated under either paragraph (f)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section.
(i) Cash assets the Member may convert any excess campaign or donated funds in an amount up to the Member's authorized committee(s)' cash on hand, determined under 11 CFR 104.3(a)(1), as of November 30, 1989, less the committee(s)' total outstanding debts as of that date.
(ii) Cash Plus Nonliquid Assets. (A) The Member may convert unliquidated committee assets held by his or her authorized committee(s) on November 30, 1989; or the value of such assets may be added to the value of the committee(s)' cash assets under paragraph (f)(1)(i) of this section to determine the amount which is eligible for conversion. In either case, prior to conversion, the committee shall amend its 1989 year end reports to indicate, as memo entries to Schedule A, the assets to be converted. These amendments shall list each asset, give its date of acquisition, its fair market value as of November 30, 1989, and a brief narrative description of how this value was ascertained. The committee shall also disclose the disposition made of each such asset, including its fair market value on the date of sale or other disposition, in its termination report, unless the asset was sold or otherwise disposed of during an earlier period and included in the report covering that period.
(A) The Member may convert unliquidated committee assets held by his or her authorized committee(s) on November 30, 1989; or the value of such assets may be added to the value of the committee(s)' cash assets under paragraph (f)(1)(i) of this section to determine the amount which is eligible for conversion. In either case, prior to conversion, the committee shall amend its 1989 year end reports to indicate, as memo entries to Schedule A, the assets to be converted. These amendments shall list each asset, give its date of acquisition, its fair market value as of November 30, 1989, and a brief narrative description of how this value was ascertained. The committee shall also disclose the disposition made of each such asset, including its fair market value on the date of sale or other disposition, in its termination report, unless the asset was sold or otherwise disposed of during an earlier period and included in the report covering that period.
(B) The Member may add the value of debts and loans reported as owed to the Member's authorized committee(s) as of November 30, 1989, and itemized on the committee(s)' year end reports for 1989, to the unobligated balance, provided that such receivables are actually collected by the committee(s) prior to their termination.
(C) The Member may add to the unobligated balance the value of vendor credits and deposit refunds to which authorized campaign committee(s) are entitled, if these receivables are itemized on Schedule C or D of the committee(s)' 1989 year end reports or in amendment(s) thereto.
(2) If the unobligated balance subsequently falls below its November 30, 1989, level, a qualified Member may use contributions lawfully received or other lawful committee income received after that date to restore the account up to that level.
(3) A qualified Member may convert committee assets which were not held on November 30, 1989, to personal use; however, the fair market value of such assets at the time of conversion shall be counted against the unobligated balance.
(4) Under no circumstances may an amount greater than the unobligated balance on November 30, 1989, be converted to personal use. Should money from subsequent contributions, other committee income, and/or the sale of campaign assets exceed the amount needed to restore the unobligated balance to its November 30, 1989, level, such additional funds shall not be converted to personal use but may be used for the purposes set forth in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section.
(5) 103d Congress or later Congress: A qualified Member who serves in the 103d Congress or a later Congress may not convert to personal use any campaign or donated funds, as of the first day of such service.
(g) Nothing in this section modifies or supersedes other Federal statutory restrictions or relevant State laws that may apply to the use of campaign or donated funds by candidates or Federal officeholders. [45 FR 15124, Mar. 7, 1980, as amended at 56 FR 34126, July 25, 1991; 60 FR 7875, Feb. 9, 1995; 67 FR 76979, Dec. 13, 2002; 72 FR 56247, Oct. 3, 2007]