(a) OCC action. Within 30 calendar days after the filing date of your application, the OCC will take one of the following actions: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) Notifies you, in writing, that your The applicable review period
application is complete * * * will begin on the date that
the OCC deems your application
(2) Notifies you, in writing, that you You must submit the required
must submit additional information to additional information under
complete your application * * *. Sec. 116.220.(3) Notifies you, in writing, that your The OCC will not process your
application is materially deficient * application.
* *.(4) Takes no action * * * Your application is deemed
complete. The applicable
review period will begin on
the day the 30-day time period
(b) Waiver requests. If your application includes a request for waiver of an information requirement under Sec. 116.25(b), and the OCC has not notified you that you must submit additional information under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, your request for waiver is granted.