(a) In accordance with this section, a Federal savings association (``you'') may exercise your salvage power to make a contribution or a loan (including a guarantee of a loan made by any other person) to your service corporation or lower-tier entity (``salvage investment'') that exceeds the maximum amount otherwise permitted under law or regulation. You must notify the appropriate OCC licensing office at least 30 days before making such a salvage investment. This notice must demonstrate that:
(1) The salvage investment protects your interest in the service corporation or lower-tier entity;
(2) The salvage investment is consistent with safety and soundness; and
(3) You considered alternatives to the salvage investment and determined that such alternatives would not adequately satisfy paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section.
(b) If the OCC notifies you within 30 days that the Notice presents supervisory concerns, or raises significant issues of law or policy, you must apply for and receive the OCC's prior written approval under the standard treatment processing procedures at part 116, subparts A and E of this chapter before making a salvage investment.
(c) If your service corporation or lower-tier entity is a GAAP-consolidated subsidiary, your salvage investment under this section will be considered an investment in a subsidiary for purposes of 12 CFR part 3 or part 167, as applicable. [76 FR 49025, Aug. 9, 2011, as amended at 79 FR 11313, Feb. 28, 2014]