Section 1505.1 of the NEPA Regulations contains requirements to ensure adequate consideration of environmental documents in agency decision-making. To implement these requirements, Eximbank officials will:
(a) Consider all relevant environmental documents in evaluating applications for Eximbank financing;
(b) Ensure that all relevant environmental documents, comments and responses accompany the application through Eximbank's review processes;
(c) Consider only those alternatives encompassed by the range of alternatives discussed in the relevant environmental documents when evaluating an application which is the subject of an EIS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Key officials or offices
Eximbank actions Start of NEPA process Completion of NEPA required to consider
process environmental documents----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Issuance of Preliminary Commitment When application is When the Board of UnderSec. 408.4(b)(1) (i) and
(P.C.). received. Directors meets to (ii), General Counsel to
consider determine whether requested
application. The Eximbank financing is a major
Board may notify action and Engineer to
applicant that determine whether proposed
environmental Transaction may significantly
effects will be affect the quality of the
considered when human environment in the
final commitment is United States, its
requested and territories or possessions.
request information
on environmental
matters.Issuance of Final Commitment...... When application is When the Board of (If no P.C. has been issued,
received. Directors meets to key offices will make
consider application. determinations mentioned
above.) Engineer to collect,
prepare or arrange for
preparation of all
environmental documents.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------