(a) SBA maintains a public reading room in the Headquarters Reference Library at 409 3rd St., SW., Suite 5000, Washington, DC 20416 where you may read and copy the following:
(1) Final SBA opinions and orders issued by the Office of Hearings and Appeals in adjudicating a case,
(2) Official non-privileged policy statements, opinions, or interpretations,
(3) Standard operating procedures affecting members of the public,
(4) Records SBA has released in response to previous FOIA requests which, because of their subject matter, SBA determines are likely to be requested again, and
(5) An index of the records referred to under paragraph (a)(4) of this section.
(b) The records described in paragraph (a) of this section are available in the SBA Online Reading Room at http://www.sba.gov/library/.
(c) Reading room records created on or after November 1, 1996 are available electronically.