(a) If you are dissatisfied with SBA's response to your request, you may appeal an adverse determination denying your request, in any respect, to the Chief, FOI/PA Office, 409 Third St., SW., Washington, DC 20416.
(b) The Chief must receive your signed, written appeal within 60 calendar days of the date of the SBA determination from which you are appealing.
(c) You should include as much information as possible, i.e., identifying the records not disclosed, the reason(s) a fee should be waived, or the reason(s) a request should be expedited. You must identify the deciding official and his/her office location.
(d) The Chief will decide your appeal unless the Chief originally made the determination you are appealing. In that case, the Assistant Administrator for Hearings and Appeals will decide your appeal.
(e) If SBA upholds the initial adverse determination, SBA will tell you why the decision has been upheld and tell you how to obtain judicial review of the decision.