The Administrator may from time to time assign to officials of SBA or to officials of other agencies of the Government with the consent of such agencies, responsibilities in connection with the effectuation of the purpose of the Act and this part (other than responsibility for final decision as provided in Sec. 117.17), including the achievement of effective coordination and maximum uniformity within SBA and within the Executive Branch of the Government in the application of the Act and this part to similar programs or activities and in similar situations. Responsibility for administering and enforcing this part is assigned by the Administrator, to the Office of Civil Rights Compliance, Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Compliance of the Small Business Administration.
Sec. Appendix A to Part 117\1\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Type of Federal financial assistance Authority------------------------------------------------------------------------Business Loans............................ Small Business Act, section
7(a).Debtor State Development companies (501) Small Business Investment
and their small business concerns. Act, Title V.Debtor State Development companies (502) Small Business Investment
and their small business concerns. Act, Title V.Debtor certified development companies Small Business Investment
(503) and their small business concerns. Act, Title V.Debtor small business investment companies Small Business Investment
and their small business concerns. Act, Title III.Pollution Control......................... Small Business Investment
Act, Title IV, Part A.Disaster Loans:
Physical, including riot................ Small Business Act, section
Economic Injury (EIDL).................. Small Business Act, section
Federal Action Loan Program............. Small Business Act, section
Small Business Institute................ Small Business Act, section
Small Business Development Centers...... Small Business Act, section
International Trade Program............. Small Business Act, section
Technical and Management Assistance..... Small Business Act, section
7(j).------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ None of the programs administered have any age distinctions except
as statutorily required.