(a) Who may appeal. Appeals of protest determinations may be filed with the SBA's AA/GC&BD; by the protested concern, the protestor, or the contracting officer.
(b) Timeliness of appeal. An appeal must be in writing and must be received by the AA/GC&BD; no later than 5 working days after the date of receipt of the protest determination. SBA will dismiss any appeal received after the five-day time period.
(c) Notice of appeal. Notice of the appeal must be provided by the party bringing an appeal to the procuring activity contracting officer and either the protested concern or original protestor, as appropriate.
(d) Grounds for appeal. SBA will reexamine a protest determination only if there was a clear and significant error in the processing of the protest, or if the DC/SDBCE, or designee, failed to consider a significant material fact contained within the information supplied by the protestor or the protested concern. SBA will not consider protest determination appeals based on additional information or changed circumstances which were not disclosed at the time of the decision of the DC/SDBCE or designee, or which are based on disagreement with the findings and conclusions contained in the determination.
(e) Contents of appeal. No specific format is required for the appeal. However, the appeal must identify the protest determination which is appealed, and set forth a full and specific statement as to why the determination is erroneous under paragraph (c) of this section.
(f) The appeal will be decided by the AA/GC&BD;, within 5 working days of its receipt, if practicable.
(g) The appeal decision will be based only on the information and documentation in the protest record as supplemented by the appeal. SBA will provide a copy of the decision to the contracting officer, the protestor, and the protested concern, consistent with law.
(h) The decision of the AA/GC&BD;, is the final decision of the SBA, and cannot be further appealed to OHA. [63 FR 35772, June 30, 1998. Redesignated at 73 FR 57495, Oct. 3, 2008, as amended at 76 FR 5684, Feb. 2, 2011]