(a) Notice of receipt of protest. Upon receipt of the protest, SBA will notify the contracting officer and the protester of the date SBA received the protest and whether SBA will process the protest or dismiss it under paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) Dismissal of protest. If SBA determines that the protest is premature, untimely, nonspecific, or is based on non-protestable allegations, SBA will dismiss the protest and will send the contracting officer and the protester a notice of dismissal, citing the reason(s) for the dismissal. The dismissal notice must also advise the protester of his/her right to appeal the dismissal to SBA's Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA) in accordance with part 134 of this chapter.
(c) Notice to protested concern. If SBA determines that the protest is timely, sufficiently specific and is based upon protestable allegations, SBA will:
(1) Notify the protested concern of the protest and of its right to submit information responding to the protest within ten business days from the date of the notice; and
(2) Forward a copy of the protest to the protested concern, with a copy to the contracting officer if one has not already been made available.
(d) Time period for determination. SBA will determine the SDVO SBC status of the protested concern within 15 business days after receipt of the protest, or within any extension of that time which the contracting officer may grant SBA. If SBA does not issue its determination within the 15-day period, the contracting officer may award the contract, unless the contracting officer has granted SBA an extension.
(e) Award of contract. (1) The contracting officer may award a contract after receipt of a protest if the contracting officer determines in writing that an award must be made to protect the public interest. Notwithstanding such a determination, the provisions of paragraph (g) of this section apply to the procurement in question.
(1) The contracting officer may award a contract after receipt of a protest if the contracting officer determines in writing that an award must be made to protect the public interest. Notwithstanding such a determination, the provisions of paragraph (g) of this section apply to the procurement in question.
(2) If SBA does not issue its determination within 15 business days (or request an extension that is granted), the contracting officer may award the contract if he or she determines in writing that there is an immediate need to award the contract and that waiting until SBA makes its determination will be disadvantageous to the Government. Notwithstanding such a determination, the provisions of paragraph (g) of this section apply to the procurement in question.
(f) Notification of determination. SBA will notify the contracting officer, the protester, and the protested concern in writing of its determination.
(g) Effect of determination. (1) A contracting officer may award a contract to a protested concern after the Director, Office of Government Contracting (D/GC) has determined either that the protested concern is an eligible SDVO or has dismissed all protests against it. If OHA subsequently overturns the D/GC's determination or dismissal, the contracting officer may apply the OHA decision to the procurement in question.
(1) A contracting officer may award a contract to a protested concern after the Director, Office of Government Contracting (D/GC) has determined either that the protested concern is an eligible SDVO or has dismissed all protests against it. If OHA subsequently overturns the D/GC's determination or dismissal, the contracting officer may apply the OHA decision to the procurement in question.
(2) A contracting officer shall not award a contract to a protested concern that the D/GC has determined is not an eligible SDVO for the procurement in question.
(i) If a contracting officer receives such a determination after contract award, and no OHA appeal has been filed, the contracting officer shall terminate the award.
(ii) If a timely OHA appeal is filed after award, the contracting officer must consider whether performance can be suspended until an appellate decision is rendered.
(iii) If OHA affirms the D/GC's determination finding the protested concern ineligible, the contracting officer shall either terminate the contract or not exercise the next option.
(3) The contracting officer must update the Federal Procurement Data System and other procurement reporting databases to reflect the final agency decision (the D/GC's decision if no appeal is filed or OHA's decision).
(4) A concern found to be ineligible may not submit an offer as an SDVO SBC on a future procurement unless it demonstrates to SBA's satisfaction that it has overcome the reasons for the protest (e.g., it changes its ownership to satisfy the definition of an SDVO SBC set forth in Sec. 125.8) and SBA issues a decision to this effect. [70 FR 14528, Mar. 23, 2005, as amended at 76 FR 5684, Feb. 2, 2011]