Effective January 1, 2005, any airplane you operate under this part must be equipped and operated according to the following table:
Collision Avoidance Systems------------------------------------------------------------------------
Then you must operate that
(a) Turbine-powered airplane of more (1) An appropriate class of
than 33,000 pounds maximum Mode S transponder that meets
certificated takeoff weight. Technical Standard Order (TSO)
C-112, or a later version, and
one of the following approved
(i) TCAS II that meets TSO C-
119b (version 7.0), or takeoff
weight a later version.
(ii) TCAS II that meets TSO C-
119a (version 6.04A Enhanced)
that was installed in that
airplane before May 1, 2003.
If that TCAS II version 6.04A
Enhanced no longer can be
repaired to TSO C-119a
standards, it must be replaced
with a TCAS II that meets TSO
C-119b (version 7.0), or a
later version.
(iii) A collision avoidance
system equivalent to TSO C-
119b (version 7.0), or a later
version, capable of
coordinating with units that
meet TSO C-119a (version 6.04A
Enhanced), or a later version.(b) Passenger or combination cargo/ (1) TCAS I that meets TSO C-
passenger (combi) airplane that has a 118, or a later version, or
passenger seat configuration of 10-30 (2) A collision avoidance
seats. system equivalent to has a TSO
C-118, or a later version, or
(3) A collision avoidance
system and Mode S transponder
that meet paragraph (a)(1) of
this section.(c) Piston-powered airplane of more (1) TCAS I that meets TSO C-
than 33,000 pounds maximum 118, or a later version, or
certificated takeoff weight. (2) A collision avoidance
system equivalent to maximum
TSO C-118, or a later version,
(3) A collision avoidance
system and Mode S transponder
that meet paragraph (a)(1) of
this section.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Doc. No. FAA-2001-10910, 68 FR 15902, Apr. 1, 2003]