(a) The Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs is responsible for developing and administering an integrated Agency-wide communications program, establishing Agency public affairs policies and priorities, and coordinating and reviewing the performance of all Agency public affairs activities. The Assistant Administrator will develop criteria to identify which news releases and other types of public information will be issued nationwide by NASA Headquarters. Decisions to release public information nationwide by NASA Headquarters will be made by the Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs or his/her designee.
(b) NASA's Mission Directorate Associate Administrators and Mission Support Office heads have ultimate responsibility for the technical, scientific, and programmatic accuracy of all information that is related to their respective programs and released by NASA.
(c) Under the direction of the Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs, Public Affairs Officers assigned to Mission Directorates are responsible for the timely and efficient coordination of public information covering their respective programs. This coordination includes review by appropriate Mission Directorate officials. It also includes editing by public affairs staff to ensure that public information products are well written and appropriate for the intended audience. However, such editing shall not change scientific or technical data or the meaning of programmatic content.
(d) Center Public Affairs Directors are responsible for implementing their portion of the Agency's communications program, adhering to Agency policies, procedures, and priorities, and coordinating their activities with Headquarters (and others where appropriate). They are responsible for the quality of public information prepared by Center Public Affairs Officers. They also are responsible for the day-to-day production of public information covering their respective Center activities, which includes obtaining the necessary Center concurrences and coordinating, as necessary, with the appropriate Headquarters Public Affairs Officers.
(e) Center Directors have ultimate responsibility for the accuracy of public information that does not require the concurrence of Headquarters. See Sec. 1213.104(d).
(f) All NASA employees are required to coordinate, in a timely manner, with the appropriate Public Affairs Officers prior to releasing information that has the potential to generate significant media or public interest or inquiry.
(g) All NASA Public Affairs Officers are required to notify the appropriate Headquarters Public Affairs Officers, in a timely manner, about activities or events that have the potential to generate significant media or public interest or inquiry.
(h) All NASA public affairs employees are expected to adhere to the following code of conduct:
(1) Be honest and accurate in all communications.
(2) Honor publication embargoes.
(3) Respond promptly to media requests, and respect media deadlines.
(4) Act promptly to notify the public of, and correct, erroneous information, either internally or externally.
(5) Promote the free flow of scientific and technical information.
(6) Protect non-public information.
(i) All NASA employees are responsible for adhering to plans (including schedules) for activities established by public affairs offices and senior management for the coordinated release of public information.
(j) All NASA-funded missions will have a public affairs plan, approved by the Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs, which will be managed by Headquarters and/or a designated NASA Center.
(k) Public affairs activities for NASA-funded missions will not be managed by non-NASA institutions, unless authorized by the Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs.