(a) The procedure for billing and payment of standard TDRSS services is as follows:
(1) NASA shall be reimbursed by customers in connection with the use of Government property and services provided under an approved reimbursable agreement. Advance payment for services is required. Advance payments shall be scheduled to keep pace with the rate at which NASA anticipates incurring costs. NASA will provide a Customer Budget/Estimate (CBE) for services rendered nominally 60-90 days in advance, or as otherwise agreed, of the first anticipated property use or required service date for each mission. The full cost of the mission shall be paid by the customer not later than 30 days prior to the first anticipated property use or required service date.
(2) In some cases, an advance partial payment will be required six--nine months prior to the first anticipated property use or required service date in order for advance planning work and/or travel to take place. The amount of this partial payment and its receipt shall be negotiated on an as-needed basis. Adjustments to the amounts prepaid will be made to the succeeding billings as the actual services are rendered.
(3) If the customer fails to make payment by the payment due date, NASA may terminate the agreement and any subagreements for breach of agreement after notice to the customer is given of this breach and failure to cure such breach within a time period established by NASA.
(b) Late payments by the user will require the user to pay a late payment charge. [77 FR 6954, Feb. 10, 2012]
Sec. Appendix A to Part 1215--Estimated Service Rates in 1997 Dollars
for TDRSS Standard Services (Based on NASA Escalation Estimate)
Time: Project conceptualization (at least two years before launch; Ref. Sec. 1215.108(a)).
Activity: Submit request for access to TDRSS. Upon preliminary acceptance of the service requirements by NASA Headquarters, communications for the reimbursable development of a Space Act Agreement (SAA) will begin. Prior to finalization of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), an estimate for the services will be issued. After SAA signature, full funding of the effort must be received prior to NASA initiating any activities associated with the effort. (Ref. Sec. 1215.115(a)(1)).
Time: 18 months before launch (Ref. Sec. 1215.109(c).
Activity: After full funding has been received and distributed to the executing NASA entities, submit general user requirements to permit preliminary planning. Contact will occur to facilitate the integration process for access to TDRSS. If appropriate, initiate action with the Federal Communications Commission for license to communicate with TDRSS (Ref. Sec. 1215.107(b)).
Time: 12 months before launch (earlier if possible).
Activity: Provide detailed requirements for technical definition and development of operational and interface control documents. (Ref. Sec. 1215.109(d)).
Time: 3 weeks prior to a Scheduled Support Period (SSP).
Activity: Submit scheduling request to NASA covering a weekly period. Receive schedule from NASA based on principles of priority (Ref. Sec. 1215.109(b)). User confirmation of the schedule is required.
Time: Up to 72 hours prior to an SSP.
Activity: Can cancel an SSP without charge (Ref. Sec. 1215.113(b)(1)).
Time: Up to 45 minutes prior to an SPP.
Activity: Can schedule an SSP if a time slot is available without impacting another user.
Time: Up to 10 minutes prior to an SSP.
Activity: Can schedule an SSP utilizing TDRSS unused time (TUT). [77 FR 6954, Feb. 10, 2012]
Sec. Appendix B to Part 1215--Factors Affecting Standard Charges
Charges for services shall be determined by multiplying the factors below by the base rates for standard services set forth in appendix A. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Time or service,
Flexible position disruptive
constrained updates------------------------------------------------------------------------Single access service................ .5 1 2Multiple access forward (command) .67 1 2
service.............................------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Normally service,
scheduled disruptive
support updates------------------------------------------------------------------------Multiple access return (telemetry) service....... 1 2------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sec. Appendix C to Part 1215--Typical User Activity Timeline ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Time (approximate) Activity------------------------------------------------------------------------Project conceptualization (At least 3 Request NASA Headquarters
years before launch; Ref. Sec. perform study to determine
1215.108(a)). availability of TDRSS. If
accepted as a user, begin
contractual negotiation by
submission of $25,000 non-
refundable charge, and place
into mission model.3 years before launch (Ref. Sec. Submit general user
1215.109(c).. requirements to permit
preliminary planning. Begin
payment for pre-mission
activities (Ref. Sec.
1215.115(b)(5)).18 months before launch (earlier if Provide detailed requirements
interfacing is expected).. for technical definition and
development of operational
documents and ICD's. (Ref.
Sec. 1215.109(e)). If
appropriate, initiate action
with the Federal
Communications Commission for
license to communicate with
TDRSS at least 18 months prior
to launch (Ref. Sec.
1215.107(b)).3 weeks prior to a scheduled support Submit scheduling request to
period (SSP). 2 weeks prior to an SSP. GSFC covering a weekly period.
Receive schedule from GSFC
based on principles of
priority (Ref. Sec.
Acknowledgement to GSFC
required.Up to 12 hours prior to an SSP......... Can cancel an SSP without
charge (Ref. Sec.
1215.113(a)(1)).Up to 45 minutes prior to an SPP....... Can schedule an SSP if a time
slot is available without
impacting another user.Between SSP minus 45 minutes and the Schedule requests will be
SSP.. charged at the disruptive
update rate (Ref. Sec.
1215.109(b)(5)).Real-Time.............................. Emergency service requests will
be responded to per the
priority system (Ref. Sec.
1215.109(b)(3)) and assessed
the emergency service rate.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [56 FR 28049, June 19, 1991]