(a) In accordance with subsections 103(a)(2) and (3) of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, as amended, (42 U.S.C. 2457(a)(3)), it is NASA's policy, through various educational programs, to provide direct support for and encouragement to teachers, students and prospective students in fields related to space.
(b) In compliance with the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Act (42 U.S.C. 2486), it shall be NASA's purpose to:
(1) Increase the understanding, assessment, development and utilization of space resources by promoting a strong educational base, responsive research and training activities and broad and prompt dissemination of knowledge and techniques;
(2) Utilize the abilities and talents of the universities of the Nation to support and contribute to the exploration and development of the resources and opportunities afforded by the space environment;
(3) Encourage and support the existence of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary programs of space research, to engage in activities of training (including teacher education), research and public service and to have cooperative programs with industry;
(4) Encourage and support the existence of consortia, composed of university and industry members, to advance the exploration and development of space resources in cases in which national objectives can be better fulfilled than through the programs of single universities;
(5) Encourage and support Federal funding for graduate fellowships in fields related to space;
(6) Support activities in colleges and universities generally for the purpose of creating and operating a network of institutional programs that will enhance achievements resulting from efforts under this Act; and
(7) Encourage cooperation and coordination among Federal agencies and Federal programs concerned with space issues.
(c) It shall be NASA's policy to designate Space Grant colleges, State Space Grant cooperating institutions and Space Grant regional consortia and award fellowships, grants, contracts and other transactions competitively in a merit-based review process.
(d) It shall be NASA's policy to designate and make awards without discriminating on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, national origin or handicap.