(a) In accordance with NFS 1805.303-71, the NASA Administrator shall be notified at least three (3) workdays before a planned public announcement for award of a cooperative agreement (regardless of dollar value), if it is thought the agreement may be of significant interest to Headquarters.
(b) For awards that are the result of a competitive source selection, the technical officer will prepare and furnish to the agreement officer a signed selection statement based on the selection criteria stated in the solicitation.
(1) Bilateral award. All cooperative agreements shall be awarded on a bilateral basis.
(2) Consortium awards. If the cooperative agreement is to be awarded to a consortium, a completed, formally executed Articles of Collaboration is required prior to award.
(c) Central Contractor Registration (CCR). Prior to implementation of the Integrated Financial Management (IFM) System at each center, all grant and cooperative agreement recipients are required to register in the Department of Defense (DOD) Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database. Registration is required in order to obtain a Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code, which will be used as a grant and cooperative agreement identification number for the new system. The agreement officer shall verify that the prospective awardee is registered in the CCR database using the DUNS number or, if applicable, the DUNS+4 number, via the Internet at http://www.ccr2000.com or by calling toll free: 888-227-2423, commercial: 616-961-5757.
(d) Certifications, Disclosures, and Assurances. (1) Agreement officers are required to ensure that all necessary certifications, disclosures, and assurances have been obtained prior to awarding a cooperative agreement.
(1) Agreement officers are required to ensure that all necessary certifications, disclosures, and assurances have been obtained prior to awarding a cooperative agreement.
(2) Each new proposal shall include a certification for debarment and suspension under the requirements of 2 CFR 180.510 and 1260.117.
(3) Each new proposal for an award exceeding $100,000 shall include a certification, and a disclosure form (SF LLL) if required, on Lobbying under the requirements of 14 CFR 1271.110 and 1260.117.
(4) Unless a copy is on file at the NASA center, recipients must furnish an assurance on NASA Form (NF) 1206 on compliance with Civil Rights statutes specified in 14 CFR parts 1250 through 1253. [67 FR 45790, July 10, 2002, as amended at 71 FR 62210, Oct. 24, 2006; 72 FR 19785, Apr. 20, 2007]