(a) All recipients shall establish written procurement procedures. These procedures shall provide at a minimum, that the conditions in paragraphs (a)(1), (2) and (3) of this section apply.
(1) Recipients avoid purchasing unnecessary items.
(2) Where appropriate, an analysis is made of lease and purchase alternatives to determine which would be the most economical and practical procurement for the Federal Government.
(3) Solicitations for goods and services provide for all of the following:
(i) A clear and accurate description of the technical requirements for the material, product or service to be procured. In competitive procurements, such a description shall not contain features that unduly restrict competition.
(ii) Requirements that the bidder/offeror must fulfill and all other factors to be used in evaluating bids or proposals.
(iii) A description, whenever practicable, of technical requirements in terms of functions to be performed or performance required, including the range of acceptable characteristics or minimum acceptable standards.
(iv) The specific features of ``brand name or equal'' descriptions that bidders are required to meet when such items are included in the solicitation.
(v) The acceptance, to the extent practicable and economically feasible, of products and services dimensioned in the metric system of measurement.
(vi) Preference, to the extent practicable and economically feasible, for products and services that conserve natural resources and protect the environment and are energy efficient.
(b) Positive efforts shall be made by recipients to utilize small business, veteran-owned small business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business, historically underutilized small business, small disadvantaged business, women-owned business concerns, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and minority educational institutions as subcontractors to the maximum extent practicable. Recipients of NASA awards shall take all of the following steps to further this goal.
(1) Make information on forthcoming opportunities available and arrange time frames for purchases and contracts.
(2) Consider in the contract process whether firms competing for larger contracts intend to subcontract with these businesses and institutions.
(3) Encourage contracting with consortiums or teams of these businesses and institutions when a contract is too large for one of these firms to handle individually.
(4) Use the services and assistance, as appropriate, of such organizations as the Small Business Administration and the Department of Commerce's Minority Business Development Agency in the solicitation and utilization of small businesses, minority-owned firms and women's business enterprises.
(c) The type of procuring instruments used (e.g., fixed price contracts, cost reimbursable contracts, purchase orders, and incentive contracts) shall be determined by the recipient but shall be appropriate for the particular procurement and for promoting the best interest of the program or project involved. The ``cost-plus-a-percentage-of-cost'' or ``percentage of construction cost'' methods of contracting shall not be used.
(d) Contracts shall be made only with responsible contractors who possess the potential ability to perform successfully under the terms and conditions of the proposed procurement. Consideration shall be given to such matters as contractor integrity, record of past performance, financial and technical resources or accessibility to other necessary resources. In certain circumstances, contracts with certain parties are restricted by 2 CFR part 180, the implementation of Executive Orders 12549 and 12689, ``Debarment and Suspension.''
(e) Recipients shall, on request, make available for NASA, pre-award review and procurement documents, such as request for proposals or invitations for bids, independent cost estimates, etc., when any of the following conditions apply:
(1) A recipient's procurement procedures or operation fails to comply with the procurement standards in NASA's implementation of this subpart.
(2) The procurement is expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold and is to be awarded without competition or only one bid or offer is received in response to a solicitation.
(3) The procurement, which is expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold, specifies a ``brand name'' product.
(4) The proposed award over the simplified acquisition threshold is to be awarded to other than the apparent low bidder under a sealed bid procurement.
(5) A proposed contract modification changes the scope of a contract or increases the contract amount by more than the amount of the simplified acquisition threshold. [67 FR 45790, July 10, 2002, as amended at 72 FR 19785, Apr. 20, 2007]