In order to accomplish program objectives, there may be occasions where additional contributions (cash and/or in-kind contributions) by NASA and the recipient beyond the initial agreement may be needed. There may also be occasions where actual costs of NASA and the recipient may be less than initially agreed. In cases where program costs are adjusted, prior to execution of a modification to the agreement, mutual agreement between NASA and the recipient shall also be reached on the corresponding changes in program requirements such as schedule, work statements and milestone payments. Funding for any work required beyond the initial funding level of the cooperative agreement, shall require submission by the recipient of a detailed proposal to the agreement officer. Prior to execution of a modification increasing NASA's initial cost share or funding levels, detailed cost analysis techniques may be applied, which may include requests for audits services and/or application of other pricing support techniques. Any adjustments or modifications that result in a change to the performance costs of the cooperative agreement shall continue to maintain the share ratio requirements (normally 50/50) stated in Sec. 1274.204(b).