The requirements set forth under this provision may be modified by the Agreement Officer based on specific report needs for the particular grant or cooperative agreement.
Publications and Reports: Non-Proprietary Research Results
July 2002
(a) NASA encourages the widest practicable dissemination of research results at all times during the course of the investigation consistent with the other terms of this agreement.
(b) All information disseminated as a result of the cooperative agreement shall contain a statement which acknowledges NASA's support and identifies the cooperative agreement by number.
(c) Prior approval by the NASA Technical Officer is required only where the Recipient requests that the results of the research be published in a NASA scientific or technical publication. Two copies of each draft publication shall accompany the approval request.
(d) Reports shall contain full bibliographic references, abstracts of publications and lists of all other media in which the research was discussed. The Recipient shall submit the following technical reports:
(1) A progress report for every year of the cooperative agreement (except the final year). Each report is due 60 days before the anniversary date of the cooperative agreement and shall describe research accomplished during the report period.
(2) A summary of research is due by 90 days after the expiration date of the cooperative agreement, regardless of whether or not support is continued under another cooperative agreement. This report is intended to summarize the entire research accomplished during the duration of the cooperative agreement.
(e) Progress reports and summaries of research shall display the following on the first page:
(1) Title of the cooperative agreement.
(2) Type of report.
(3) Period covered by the report.
(4) Name and address of the Recipient's organization.
(5) Cooperative agreement number.
(f) An original and two copies, one of which shall be of suitable quality to permit micro-reproduction, shall be sent as follows:
(1) Original--Agreement Officer.
(2) Copy--Technical Officer
(3) Micro-reproducible copy--NASA Center for Aerospace Information (CASI), Parkway Center, Attn: Document Processing Section, 7121 Standard Drive, Hanover, MD 21076.
[End of provision]