Foreign National Employee Investigative Requirements
July 2002
(a) The Recipient shall submit a properly executed Name Check Request (NASA Form 531) and a completed applicant fingerprint card (Federal Bureau of Investigation Card FD-258) for each foreign national employee requiring access to a NASA Installation. These documents shall be submitted to the Installation's Security Office at least 75 days prior to the estimated duty date. The NASA Installation Security Office will request a National Agency Check (NAC) for foreign national employees requiring access to NASA facilities. The NASA Form 531 and fingerprint card may be obtained from the NASA Installation Security Office.
(b) The Installation Security Office will request from NASA Headquarters, Code I, approval for each foreign national's access to the Installation prior to providing access to the Installation. If the access approval is obtained from NASA Headquarters prior to completion of the NAC and performance of the cooperative agreement requires a foreign national to be given access immediately, the Technical Officer may submit an escort request to the Installation's Chief of Security.
[End of provision]