Summary of Recipient Reporting Responsibilities
July 2004
This cooperative agreement requires the recipient to submit a number of reports. These reporting requirements are summarized below. In the event of a conflict between this provision and other provisions of the cooperative agreement requiring reporting, the other provisions take precedence.
[The Agreement Officer may add/delete reporting requirements as appropriate.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Report Frequency Reference------------------------------------------------------------------------Report of Joint NASA/ As required......... 1274.911 Patent
Recipient Inventions. Rights
(Paragraph (b)(4))Interim Report of Reportable Every 12 months..... 1274.912 Patent
Items. Rights--Retention
by the Recipient
(Large Business)
Final Report of Reportable 3 months after 1274.912 Patent
Items. completion. Rights--Retention
by the Recipient
(Large Business)
(e)(3)(ii))Disclosure of Subject Within 2 months 1274.912 Patent
(3)(ii))Disclosure of Subject Within 2 months 1274.912 Patent
(ii))Disclosure of Subject Within 2 months 1274.912 Patent
Inventions. after inventor Rights Retention by
discloses it to the Recipient
Recipient. (Large Business)
(Paragraph (e)(2))
1274.913 Patent
by the Recipient
(Small Business)
(Paragraph (c)(1))Election of Title to a 1 year after 1274.913 Patent
Subject Invention. disclosure of the Rights--Retention
subject invention by the Recipient
if a statutory bar (Small Business)
exists, otherwise (Paragraph (c)(2))
within 2 years.Listing of Subject Every 12 months from 1274.913 Patent
Inventions. the date of the Rights--Retention
agreement. by the Recipient
(Small Business)
(f)(5)(i))Subject Inventions Final Prior to close-out 1274.913 Retention
(5)(i))Subject Inventions Final Prior to close-out 1274.913 Retention
(i))Subject Inventions Final Prior to close-out 1274.913 Retention
Report. of the agreement. by the Recipient
(Small Business)
(f)(5)(ii))Notification of Decision to 30 days before 1274.913 Patent
(5)(ii))Notification of Decision to 30 days before 1274.913 Patent
(ii))Notification of Decision to 30 days before 1274.913 Patent
Forego Patent Protection. expiration of the Rights--Retention
response period. by the Recipient
(Small Business)
(Paragraph (f)(3))Notification of a Promptly upon award 1274.912 Patent
Subcontract Award. of a subcontract. Rights--Retention
by the Recipient
or 1274.913 Patent
by the Recipient
(Small Business)
(Paragraph (g)(3))Utilization of Subject Annually............ 1274.913 Patent
Invention. Rights--Retention
by the Recipient
(Small Business)
(Paragraph (h))Notice of Proposed Transfer Prior to 1274.915
of Technology. transferring Restrictions on
technology to Sale or Transfer of
foreign firm or Technology to
institution. Foreign Firms or
(Paragraph (b))Progress Report............. 60 days prior to the 1274.921
anniversary date of Publications and
the agreement Reports: Non-
(except final year). Proprietary
Research Results
(Paragraph (d)(1))Summary of Research......... 90 days after 1274.921
completion of Publications and
agreement. Reports: Non-
Research Results
(Paragraph (d)(2))NASA Form 1018 Property in Annually by October 1274.923 Equipment
the Custody of Contractors. 15. and Other Property
(Paragraph (f))NASA Form 1018 Property in 60 days after 1274.923 Equipment
the Custody of Contractors. expiration date of and Other Property
agreement. (Paragraph (f))------------------------------------------------------------------------ [67 FR 45790, July 10, 2002, as amended at 69 FR 41936, July 13, 2004]