Breach of Safety or Security
July 2002
Safety is the freedom from those conditions that can cause death, injury, occupational illness, damage to or loss of equipment or property, or damage to the environment. Safety is essential to NASA and is a material part of this contract. NASA's safety priority is to protect: The public; astronauts and pilots; the NASA workforce (including contractor employees working on NASA contracts); and high-value equipment and property. A major breach of safety by the Recipient entitles the Government to remedies (pending corrective measures by the Recipient) which includes, suspension or termination of the Cooperative Agreement, require removal or change of Recipient's personnel from performing under the Agreement. A major breach of safety must be related directly to the work on the Agreement. A major breach of safety is an act or omission of the Recipient that consists of an accident, incident, or exposure resulting in a fatality or mission failure; or in damage to equipment or property equal to or greater than $1 million; or in any ``willful'' or ``repeat'' violation cited by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or by a state agency operating under an OSHA approved plan.
(a) Security is the condition of safeguarding against espionage, sabotage, crime (including computer crime), or attack. A major breach of security by the Recipient entitles the Government to remedies (pending corrective measures by the Recipient) which includes, suspension or termination of the Cooperative Agreement, require removal or change of Recipient's personnel from performing under the Cooperative Agreement. A major breach of security may occur on or off Government installations, but must be related directly to the work on the Cooperative Agreement. A major breach of security may arise from any of the following: compromise of classified information; illegal technology transfer; workplace violence resulting in criminal conviction; sabotage; compromise or denial of information technology services; damage or loss greater than $250,000 to the Government; or theft.
(b) In the event of a major breach of safety or security, the Recipient shall report the breach to the Agreement Officer. If directed by the Agreement Officer, the Recipient shall conduct its own investigation and report the results to the Government. The Recipient shall cooperate with the Government investigation, if conducted.
[End of provision]