(a) Any interested person may apply to the Administrator for a recommendation and certification with respect to a proposed project for the acquisition, establishment, construction, alteration, repair, maintenance, or operation of an airport or an air navigation facility thereon by or in his interests, on which Federal funds are proposed to be expended for nonmilitary purposes. The application shall be filed with the Regional Airports Division or Airports District Office, whichever is appropriate, in whose geographical area the airport is located. The application must state--
(1) The name and address of the applicant, the owner of the airport, and the individual responsible for its operation and maintenance, and the interest of the applicant in the matter;
(2) The location of the airport, and of any air navigation facilities thereon;
(3) A technical description of the project;
(4) The information contained in the notice required by Sec. 157.3 of this chapter; and
(5) All available pertinent data relating to the necessity of the airport or air navigation facility for use in air commerce including where applicable--
(i) The number and type of aircraft that use or would use the airport or facility;
(ii) The present and expected level of activity;
(iii) Any special use of the airport or facility such as its providing access to places of recreation as national forests or parks or to isolated communities where access by other means is not available or is curtailed by climatic condition; and
(iv) In the case of an airport or air navigation facility owned, operated, or maintained by a Federal agency other than the FAA, the relationship of the airport or facility to the performance of that agency's functions.
(b) Each of the following has the effect of a recommendation and certification, and a separate application under this part with respect thereto is not required:
(1) Approval of a project under section 16 of the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 (49 U.S.C. 1701).
(2) Inclusion of an airport in the National Airport System Plan, if--
(i) Notice of construction or alteration required by Sec. 157.3 of this chapter has been given; and
(ii) The Administrator has determined that there is no objection to the proposed construction or alteration. [Doc. No. 9256, 34 FR 5718, Mar. 27, 1969, as amended by Amdt. 169-1, 37 FR 21322, Oct. 7, 1972; Amdt. 169-2, 54 FR 39295, Sept. 25, 1989]