Applicants proposing to provide essential air service have been divided into two categories, and are subject to differing data submission requirements as set forth in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section. However, if a carrier has previously filed any of the required data with the Department or other Federal agency and they are available to the Department, and these data continue to reflect the current state of the carrier's fitness, the carrier may instead identify the data and provide a citation for the date and place of filing. All carriers may contact the Air Carrier Fitness Division to ascertain what information is already available to the Department and thus may not need to be resubmitted.
(a) Carriers who propose to begin or expand non-subsidized essential air service when the incumbent leaves the market must file the following information:
(1) All of the information required under Sec. 204.3 of this part.
(2) A description of the back-up aircraft available to the applicant, including:
(i) The number of each type of such aircraft;
(ii) The conditions under which such aircraft will be available to the carrier;
(iii) The carrier's plans for financing the acquisition or lease of such additional aircraft; and
(iv) A sworn affidavit stating that all such aircraft have been certified by the FAA and currently comply with all FAA safety standards.
(3) A description of the fuel available to perform the proposed essential air services and the carrier's contracts with fuel suppliers.
(4) The carrier's systemwide on-time and completion record for the preceding year and, if applicable, in the subject market(s).
(5) A list of the markets the carrier serves and the number of weekly round trips it provides in each.
(6) A description of the average number of block hours each type of aircraft is currently flown per day.
(7) An estimate of the impact the proposed essential air service would have on the carrier's utilization of its aircraft fleet.
(8) A detailed schedule of the service to be provided, including times of arrivals and departures, the aircraft to be used for each flight, and the fares to be charged.
(9) A pro-forma income statement for the proposed operation for the first annual period.
(b) Carriers filing proposals to provide subsidized service in response to an order inviting proposals shall file:
(1) All of the information required under Sec. 204.3 of this part.
(2) All of the information required under paragraph (a) of this section.
(3) A forecast Income Statement covering the operations conducted in essential air service for the first year following the initiation of the proposed essential services. Such statement shall include:
(i) Subsidy needed;
(ii) Estimated block hours and revenue miles by type of aircraft;
(iii) Total projected revenue including volumes of passengers and freight by essential air service market and the associated fares and rates;
(iv) An explanation of the derivation of estimates of operating expenses; and
(v) A description of the manner in which costs and revenues are allocated.
(4) A traffic forecast including a load factor analysis on all segments between the small community and the hub; and an estimate of the number of seats available to and from the eligible point each day. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2106-0023) [Doc. No. 47582, 57 FR 38766, Aug. 27, 1992, as amended at 60 FR 43524, Aug. 22, 1995]