(a) For each Category B rotorcraft, the horizontal distance required to land and come to a complete stop (or to a speed of approximately 3 knots for water landings) from a point 50 feet above the landing surface must be determined with--
(1) Speeds appropriate to the type of rotorcraft and chosen by the applicant to avoid the critical areas of the height-velocity envelope established under Sec. 29.87; and
(2) The approach and landing made with power on and within approved limits.
(b) Each multiengined Category B rotorcraft that meets the powerplant installation requirements for Category A must meet the requirements of--
(1) Sections 29.79 and 29.81; or
(2) Paragraph (a) of this section.
(c) It must be possible to make a safe landing on a prepared landing surface if complete power failure occurs during normal cruise. [Doc. No. 24802, 61 FR 21900, May 10, 1996; 61 FR 33963, July 1, 1996]