Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 14  /  Part 300  /  Sec. 300.15 Opinions or rulings by the General Counsel.

(a) The General Counsel is authorized to render opinions or rulings to the public on the application of the provisions of this part. When written request is made for such opinions and rulings, they shall be transmitted to DOT and shall be available to the public in the Documentary Services Division after any appeal to or review by the Secretary has been completed or after the time for review has expired. Identifying details shall normally be stricken from copies available to the public unless the public interest requires disclosure of such details.

(b) If any person is disqualified from a particular proceeding under the provisions of Sec. Sec. 300.9, 300.10, 300.13, 300.14, and 300.17 of this chapter by a ruling of the General Counsel, or by such person's own action, such disqualification shall be memorialized in a writing filed in the appropriate file of the matter by the General Counsel or such person.