The abbreviations used in this part have the following meanings in both upper and lower case:CO2 Carbon dioxideCO Carbon monoxideEPA United States Environmental Protection AgencyFAA Federal Aviation Administration, United States Department of
Transportationg Gram(s)HC Hydrocarbon(s)HP Horsepowerhr Hour(s)H20 waterkg Kilogram(s)kJ Kilojoule(s)kN Kilonewton(s)kW Kilowatt(s)lb Pound(s)LTO Landing and takeoffmin Minute(s)NOX Oxides of nitrogenPa Pascal(s)rO Rated outputrPR Rated pressure ratiosec Second(s)SP Shaft powerSN Smoke numberT Temperature, degrees KelvinTIM Time in mode[deg]C Degrees Celsius% Percent [Doc. No. 25613, 55 FR 32861, Aug. 10, 1990, as amended by Amdt. 34-3, 64 FR 5559, Feb. 3, 1999; Amdt. 34-5, 77 FR 76850, Dec. 31, 2012]