Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 14  /  Part 415  /  Sec. 415.203 Environmental information.

An applicant shall submit environmental information concerning:

(a) A proposed launch site not covered by existing environmental documentation;

(b) A proposed launch vehicle with characteristics falling measurably outside the parameters of existing environmental documentation;

(c) A proposed launch from an established launch site involving a vehicle with characteristics falling measurably outside the parameters of any existing environmental impact statement that applies to that site;

(d) A proposed payload that may have significant environmental impacts in the event of a mishap; and

(e) Other factors as determined by the FAA. [Amdt. 415-03, 64 FR 19616, Apr. 21, 1999. Redesignated by Amdt. 415-4, 71 FR 50532, Aug. 25, 2006] Sec. Sec. 415.204-415.400 [Reserved]

Sec. Appendix A to Part 415--FAA/USSPACECOM Launch Notification Form[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21AP99.001 [GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR21AP99.002

Sec. Appendix B to Part 415--Safety Review Document Outline

This appendix contains the format and numbering scheme for a safety review document to be filed as part of an application for a launch license as required by subpart F of part 415. The applicable sections of parts 413, 415, and 417 of this chapter are referenced in the outline below.

Safety Review Document 1.0 Launch Description (Sec. 415.109)1.1 Launch Site Description1.2 Launch Vehicle Description1.3 Payload Description1.4 Trajectory1.5 Staging Events1.6 Vehicle Performance Graphs2.0 Launch Operator Organization (Sec. 415.111)2.1 Launch Operator Organization (Sec. 415.111 and Sec. 417.103 of

this chapter)2.1.1 Organization Summary2.1.3 Organization Charts2.1.4 Office Descriptions and Safety Functions3.0 Launch Personnel Certification Program (Sec. 415.113 and Sec.

417.105 of this chapter)3.1 Program Summary3.2 Program Implementation Document(s)3.3 Table of Safety Critical Tasks Performed by Certified Personnel4.0 Flight Safety (Sec. 415.115)4.1 Initial Flight Safety Analysis4.1.1 Flight Safety Sub-Analyses, Methods, and Assumptions4.1.2 Sample Calculation and Products4.1.3 Launch Specific Updates and Final Flight Safety Analysis Data4.2 Radionuclide Data (where applicable)4.3 Flight Safety Plan4.3.1 Flight Safety Personnel4.3.2 Flight Safety Rules4.3.3 Flight Safety System Summary and Preflight Tests4.3.4 Trajectory and Debris Dispersion Data4.3.5 Flight Hazard Areas and Safety Clear Zones4.3.6 Support Systems and Services4.3.7 Flight Safety Operations4.3.8 Unguided Suborbital Launch Vehicles (where applicable)5.0 Ground Safety (Sec. 415.117)5.1 Ground Safety Analysis Report5.2 Ground Safety Plan6.0 Launch Plans (Sec. 415.119 and Sec. 417.111 of this chapter)6.1 Launch Support Equipment and Instrumentation Plan6.2 Configuration Management and Control Plan6.3 Frequency Management Plan6.4 Flight Termination System Electronic Piece Parts Program Plan6.5 Accident Investigation Plan6.6 Local Agreements and Public Coordination Plan6.7 Hazard Area Surveillance and Clearance Plan6.8 Communications Plan7.0 Launch Schedule (Sec. 415.121)7.1 Launch Processing Schedule8.0 Computing Systems and Software (Sec. 415.123)8.1 Hardware and Software Descriptions8.2 Flow Charts and Diagrams8.3 Logic Diagrams and Software Design Descriptions8.4 Operator User Manuals and Documentation8.5 Software Hazard Analyses8.6 Software Test Plans, Test Procedures, and Test Results8.7 Software Development Plan9.0 Unique Safety Policies, Requirements and Practices (Sec. 415.125)10.0 Flight Safety System Design and Operation Data (Sec. 415.127)10.1 Flight Safety System Description10.2 Flight Safety System Diagram10.3 Flight Safety System Subsystem Design Information10.4 Flight Safety System Analyses10.5 Flight Termination System Environmental Design10.6 Flight Safety System Compliance Matrix10.7 Flight Termination System Installation Procedures10.8 Tracking System Validation Procedures11.0 Flight Safety System Test Data (Sec. 415.129)11.1 Testing Compliance Matrix11.2 Test Program Overview and Schedule11.3 Flight Safety System Test Plans and Procedures11.4 Test Reports11.5 Reuse of Flight Termination System Components12.0 Flight Safety System Crew Data (Sec. 415.131)12.1 Position Descriptions12.2 Certification and Training Program Description13.0 Safety at End of Launch (Sec. 415.133) [Doc. No. FAA-2000-7953, 71 FR 50536, Aug. 25, 2006]