(a) Operations requiring a medical certificate. Except as provided in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, a person--
(1) Must hold a first-class medical certificate:
(i) When exercising the pilot-in-command privileges of an airline transport pilot certificate;
(ii) When exercising the second-in-command privileges of an airline transport pilot certificate in a flag or supplemental operation in part 121 of this chapter that requires three or more pilots; or
(iii) When serving as a required pilot flightcrew member in an operation conducted under part 121 of this chapter if the pilot has reached his or her 60th birthday.
(2) Must hold at least a second class medical certificate when exercising:
(i) Second-in-command privileges of an airline transport pilot certificate in part 121 of this chapter (other than operations specified in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section); or
(ii) Privileges of a commercial pilot certificate; or
(3) Must hold at least a third-class medical certificate--
(i) When exercising the privileges of a private pilot certificate;
(ii) When exercising the privileges of a recreational pilot certificate;
(iii) When exercising the privileges of a student pilot certificate;
(iv) When exercising the privileges of a flight instructor certificate and acting as the pilot in command;
(v) When exercising the privileges of a flight instructor certificate and serving as a required pilot flight crewmember;
(vi) When taking a practical test in an aircraft for a recreational pilot, private pilot, commercial pilot, or airline transport pilot certificate, or for a flight instructor certificate; or
(vii) When performing the duties as an Examiner in an aircraft when administering a practical test or proficiency check for an airman certificate, rating, or authorization.
(b) Operations not requiring a medical certificate. A person is not required to hold a medical certificate--
(1) When exercising the privileges of a student pilot certificate while seeking--
(i) A sport pilot certificate with glider or balloon privileges; or
(ii) A pilot certificate with a glider category rating or balloon class rating;
(2) When exercising the privileges of a sport pilot certificate with privileges in a glider or balloon;
(3) When exercising the privileges of a pilot certificate with a glider category rating or balloon class rating in a glider or a balloon, as appropriate;
(4) When exercising the privileges of a flight instructor certificate with--
(i) A sport pilot rating in a glider or balloon; or
(ii) A glider category rating;
(5) When exercising the privileges of a flight instructor certificate if the person is not acting as pilot in command or serving as a required pilot flight crewmember;
(6) When exercising the privileges of a ground instructor certificate;
(7) When serving as an Examiner or check airman and administering a practical test or proficiency check for an airman certificate, rating, or authorization conducted in a glider, balloon, flight simulator, or flight training device;
(8) When taking a practical test or a proficiency check for a certificate, rating, authorization or operating privilege conducted in a glider, balloon, flight simulator, or flight training device; or
(9) When a military pilot of the U.S. Armed Forces can show evidence of an up-to-date medical examination authorizing pilot flight status issued by the U.S. Armed Forces and--
(i) The flight does not require higher than a third-class medical certificate; and
(ii) The flight conducted is a domestic flight operation within U.S. airspace.
(c) Operations requiring either a medical certificate or U.S. driver's license. (1) A person must hold and possess either a medical certificate issued under part 67 of this chapter or a U.S. driver's license when--
(1) A person must hold and possess either a medical certificate issued under part 67 of this chapter or a U.S. driver's license when--
(i) Exercising the privileges of a student pilot certificate while seeking sport pilot privileges in a light-sport aircraft other than a glider or balloon;
(ii) Exercising the privileges of a sport pilot certificate in a light-sport aircraft other than a glider or balloon;
(iii) Exercising the privileges of a flight instructor certificate with a sport pilot rating while acting as pilot in command or serving as a required flight crewmember of a light-sport aircraft other than a glider or balloon; or
(iv) Serving as an Examiner and administering a practical test for the issuance of a sport pilot certificate in a light-sport aircraft other than a glider or balloon.
(2) A person using a U.S. driver's license to meet the requirements of this paragraph must--
(i) Comply with each restriction and limitation imposed by that person's U.S. driver's license and any judicial or administrative order applying to the operation of a motor vehicle;
(ii) Have been found eligible for the issuance of at least a third-class airman medical certificate at the time of his or her most recent application (if the person has applied for a medical certificate);
(iii) Not have had his or her most recently issued medical certificate (if the person has held a medical certificate) suspended or revoked or most recent Authorization for a Special Issuance of a Medical Certificate withdrawn; and
(iv) Not know or have reason to know of any medical condition that would make that person unable to operate a light-sport aircraft in a safe manner.
(d) Duration of a medical certificate. Use the following table to determine duration for each class of medical certificate: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Then your medical
And on the date of certificate expires, for
If you hold examination for your And you are conducting an that operation, at the
most recent medical operation requiring end of the last day of
(1) A first-class medical (i) Under age 40..... an airline transport pilot 12th month after the
certificate. certificate for pilot-in- month of the date of
command privileges, or examination shown on the
for second-in-command medical certificate.
privileges in a flag or
supplemental operation in
part 121 requiring three
or more pilots.
(ii) Age 40 or older. an airline transport pilot 6th month after the month
certificate for pilot-in- of the date of
command privileges, for examination shown on the
second-in-command medical certificate.
privileges in a flag or
supplemental operation in
part 121 requiring three
or more pilots, or for a
pilot flightcrew member
in part 121 operations
who has reached his or
her 60th birthday..
(iii) Any age........ a commercial pilot 12th month after the
certificate or an air month of the date of
traffic control tower examination shown on the
operator certificate. medical certificate.
(iv) Under age 40.... a recreational pilot 60th month after the
certificate, a private month of the date of
pilot certificate, a examination shown on the
flight instructor medical certificate.
certificate (when acting
as pilot in command or a
required pilot flight
crewmember in operations
other than glider or
balloon), a student pilot
certificate, or a sport
pilot certificate (when
not using a U.S. driver's
license as medical
(v) Age 40 or older.. a recreational pilot 24th month after the
certificate, a private month of the date of
pilot certificate, a examination shown on the
flight instructor medical certificate.
certificate (when acting
as pilot in command or a
required pilot flight
crewmember in operations
other than glider or
balloon), a student pilot
certificate, or a sport
pilot certificate (when
not using a U.S. driver's
license as medical
qualification).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(2) A second-class medical (i) Any age.......... an airline transport pilot 12th month after the
certificate. certificate for second-in- month of the date of
command privileges (other examination shown on the
than the operations medical certificate.
specified in paragraph
(d)(1) of this section),
(1) of this section),
a commercial pilot
certificate, or an air
traffic control tower
operator certificate.
(ii) Under age 40.... a recreational pilot 60th month after the
certificate, a private month of the date of
pilot certificate, a examination shown on the
flight instructor medical certificate.
certificate (when acting
as pilot in command or a
required pilot flight
crewmember in operations
other than glider or
balloon), a student pilot
certificate, or a sport
pilot certificate (when
not using a U.S. driver's
license as medical
(iii) Age 40 or older a recreational pilot 24th month after the
certificate, a private month of the date of
pilot certificate, a examination shown on the
flight instructor medical certificate.
certificate (when acting
as pilot in command or a
required pilot flight
crewmember in operations
other than glider or
balloon), a student pilot
certificate, or a sport
pilot certificate (when
not using a U.S. driver's
license as medical
qualification).----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(3) A third-class medical (i) Under age 40..... a recreational pilot 60th month after the
certificate. certificate, a private month of the date of
pilot certificate, a examination shown on the
flight instructor medical certificate.
certificate (when acting
as pilot in command or a
required pilot flight
crewmember in operations
other than glider or
balloon), a student pilot
certificate, or a sport
pilot certificate (when
not using a U.S. driver's
license as medical
(ii) Age 40 or older. a recreational pilot 24th month after the
certificate, a private month of the date of
pilot certificate, a examination shown on the
flight instructor medical certificate.
certificate (when acting
as pilot in command or a
required pilot flight
crewmember in operations
other than glider or
balloon), a student pilot
certificate, or a sport
pilot certificate (when
not using a U.S. driver's
license as medical
qualification).---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16298, Apr. 4, 1997; Amdt. 61-103, 62 FR 40895, July 30, 1997; Amdt. 61-110, 69 FR 44864, July 27, 2004, as amended by Amdt. 61-121, 73 FR 43064, July 24, 2008; Amdt. 61-121, 73 FR 48125, Aug. 18, 2008; Amdt. 61-123, 74 FR 34234, July 15, 2009; Amdt. 61-124, 74 FR 42547, Aug. 21, 2009; Amdt. 61-129, 76 FR 78143, Dec. 16, 2011; Amdt. 61-129A, 77 FR 61721, Oct. 11, 2012; Amdt. 61-130, 78 FR 42372, July 15, 2013]