Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 14  /  Part 61  /  Sec. 61.313 What aeronautical experience must I have to apply for

Use the following table to determine the aeronautical experience you must have to apply for a sport pilot certificate: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Which must include

If you are applying for a sport Then you must log at least . . .

(a) Airplane category and single- (1) 20 hours of (i) 2 hours of

(1) 20 hours of (i) 2 hours of

engine land or sea class flight time, cross-country

privileges, including at flight training,

least 15 hours of (ii) 10 takeoffs

flight training and landings to a

from an full stop (with

authorized each landing

instructor in a involving a

single-engine flight in the

airplane and at traffic pattern)

least 5 hours of at an airport,

solo flight (iii) One solo

training in the cross-country

areas of flight of at

operation listed least 75 nautical

in Sec. 61.311, miles total

distance, with a

full-stop landing

at a minimum of

two points and

one segment of

the flight

consisting of a


distance of at

least 25 nautical

miles between the

takeoff and


locations, and

(iv) 2 hours of

flight training

with an


instructor on

those areas of


specified in Sec.

61.311 in

preparation for

the practical

test within the

preceding 2

calendar months

from the month of

(1) 10 hours of (i) Five solo

and you have not logged at flight time in a launches and

least 20 hours of flight time glider, including landings, and

in a heavier-than-air aircraft, 10 flights in a (ii) at least 3

glider receiving training flights

flight training with an

from an authorized

authorized instructor on

instructor and at those areas of

least 2 hours of operation

solo flight specified in Sec.

training in the 61.311 in

areas of preparation for

operation listed the practical

in Sec. 61.311, test within the

preceding 2

calendar months

from the month of

(1) 3 hours of (i) Three solo

and you have logged 20 hours flight time in a launches and

flight time in a heavier-than- glider, including landings, and

air aircraft, five flights in a (ii) at least 3

glider while training flights

receiving flight with an

training from an authorized

authorized instructor on

instructor and at those areas of

least 1 hour of operation

solo flight specified in Sec.

training in the 61.311 in

areas of preparation for

operation listed the practical

in Sec. 61.311, test within the

preceding 2

calendar months

from the month of

the test.

(d) Rotorcraft category and (1) 20 hours of (i) 2 hours of

gyroplane class privileges, flight time, cross-country

including 15 flight training,

hours of flight (ii) 10 takeoffs

training from an and landings to a

authorized full stop (with

instructor in a each landing

gyroplane and at involving a

least 5 hours of flight in the

solo flight traffic pattern)

training in the at an airport,

areas of (iii) One solo

operation listed cross-country

in Sec. 61.311, flight of at

least 50 nautical

miles total

distance, with a

full-stop landing

at a minimum of

two points, and

one segment of

the flight

consisting of a


distance of at

least 25 nautical

miles between the

takeoff and


locations, and

(iv) 2 hours of

flight training

with an


instructor on

those areas of


specified in Sec.

61.311 in

preparation for

the practical

test within the

preceding 2

calendar months

from the month of

the test.(e) Lighter-than-air category (1) 20 hours of (i) 2 hours of

and airship class privileges, flight time, cross-country

including 15 flight training,

hours of flight (ii) Three

training from an takeoffs and

authorized landings to a

instructor in an full stop (with

airship and at each landing

least 3 hours involving a

performing the flight in the

duties of pilot traffic pattern)

in command in an at an airport,

airship with an (iii) One cross-

authorized country flight of

instructor in the at least 25

areas of nautical miles

operation listed between the

in Sec. 61.311, takeoff and


locations, and

(iv) 2 hours of

flight training

with an


instructor on

those areas of


specified in Sec.

61.311 in

preparation for

the practical

test within the

preceding 2

calendar months

from the month of

the test.(f) Lighter-than-air category (1) 7 hours of (i) 2 hours of

and balloon class privileges, flight time in a cross-country

balloon, flight training,

including three and (ii) 1 hours

flights with an of flight

authorized training with an

instructor and authorized

one flight instructor on

performing the those areas of

duties of pilot operation

in command in a specified in Sec.

balloon with an 61.311 in

authorized preparation for

instructor in the the practical

areas of test within the

operation listed preceding 2

in Sec. 61.311, calendar months

from the month of

the test.(g) Powered parachute category (1) 12 hours of (i) 1 hour of

land or sea class privileges, flight time in a cross-country

powered flight training,

parachute, (ii) 20 takeoffs

including 10 and landings to a

hours of flight full stop in a

training from an powered parachute

authorized with each landing

instructor in a involving flight

powered in the traffic

parachute, and at pattern at an

least 2 hours of airport; (iii) 10

solo flight solo takeoffs and

training in the landings to a

areas of full stop (with

operation listed each landing

in Sec. 61.311 involving a

flight in the

traffic pattern)

at an airport,

(iv) One solo

flight with a

landing at a

different airport

and one segment

of the flight

consisting of a


distance of at

least 10 nautical

miles between

takeoff and


locations, and

(v) 1 hours of

flight training

with an


instructor on

those areas of


specified in Sec.

61.311 in

preparation for

the practical

test within the

preceding 2

calendar months

from the month of

the test.

(h) Weight-shift-control (1) 20 hours of (i) 2 hours of

aircraft category land or sea light time, cross-country

class privileges, including 15 flight training,

hours of flight (ii) 10 takeoffs

training from an and landings to a

authorized full stop (with

instructor in a each landing

weight-shift- involving a

control aircraft flight in the

and at least 5 traffic pattern)

hours of solo at an airport,

flight training (iii) One solo

in the areas of cross-country

operation listed flight of at

in Sec. 61.311, least 50 nautical

miles total

distance, with a

full-stop landing

at a minimum of

two points, and

one segment of

the flight

consisting of a


distance of at

least 25 nautical

miles between

takeoff and


locations, and

(iv) 2 hours of

flight training

with an


instructor on

those areas of


specified in Sec.

61.311 in

preparation for

the practical

test within the

preceding 2

calendar months

from the month of

the test.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Doc. No. FAA-2001-11133, 69 FR 44869, July 27, 2004; Amdt. 61-124A, 74 FR 53647, Oct. 20, 2009; Amdt. 61-125, 75 FR 5221, Feb. 1, 2010]