(a) Each certificate holder must submit in writing, within 30 days of the end of each calendar quarter, the total number of commercial SFRA operations conducted for that quarter. Quarterly reports must be filed with the Las Vegas Flight Standards District Office.
(b) Each quarterly report must contain the following information.
(1) Make and model of aircraft;
(2) Identification number (registration number) for each aircraft;
(3) Departure airport for each segment flown;
(4) Departure date and actual Universal Coordinated Time, as applicable for each segment flown;
(5) Type of operation; and
(6) Route(s) flown. [65 FR 17733, Apr. 4, 2000]
Sec. Appendix to Subpart U of Part 93--Special Flight Rules in the
Vicinity of the Grand Canyon National Park, AZ
[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TC26SE91.001 Sec. Appendix A to Subpart U of Part 93--GCNP Quiet Aircraft Technology Designation
This appendix contains procedures for determining the GCNP quiet aircraft technology designation status for each aircraft subject to Sec. 93.301 determined during the noise certification process as prescribed under part 36 of this chapter. Where no certificated noise level is available, the Administrator may approve an alternative measurement procedure.
Aircraft Noise Limit for GCNP Quiet Aircraft Technology Designation
A. For helicopters with a flyover noise level obtained in accordance with the measurement procedures prescribed in Appendix H of 14 CFR part 36, the limit is 80 dB for helicopters having a seating configuration of two or fewer passenger seats, increasing at 3 dB per doubling of the number of passenger seats for helicopters having a seating configuration of three or more passenger seats. The noise limit for helicopters with three or more passenger seats can be calculated by the formula: EPNL(H) = 80 +10log( PAX seats/2) dB
B. For helicopters with a flyover noise level obtained in accordance with the measurement procedures prescribed in Appendix J of 14 CFR part 36, the limit is 77 dB for helicopters having a seating configuration of two or fewer passenger seats, increasing at 3 dB per doubling of the number of passenger seats for helicopters having a seating configuration of three or more passenger seats. The noise limit for helicopters with three or more passenger seats can be calculated by the formula: SEL(J) = 77 + 10log( PAX seats/2) dB
C. For propeller-driven airplanes with a measured flyover noise level obtained in accordance with the measurement procedures prescribed in Appendix F of 14 CFR part 36 without the performance correction defined in Sec. F35.201(c), the limit is 69 dB for airplanes having a seating configuration of two or fewer passenger seats, increasing at 3 dB per doubling of the number of passenger seats for airplanes having a seating configuration of three or more passenger seats. The noise limit for propeller-driven airplanes with three or more passenger seats can be calculated by the formula: LAmax(F) = 69 + 10log( PAX seats/2) dB
D. In the event that a flyover noise level is not available in accordance with Appendix F of 14 CFR part 36, the noise limit for propeller-driven airplanes with a takeoff noise level obtained in accordance with the measurement procedures prescribed in Appendix G is 74 dB or 77 dB, depending on 14 CFR part 36 amendment level, for airplanes having a seating configuration of two or fewer passenger seats, increasing at 3 dB per doubling of the number of passenger seats for airplanes having a seating configuration of three or more passenger seats. The noise limit for propeller-driven airplanes with three or more passenger seats can be calculated by the formula: LAmax(G) = 74 + 10log( PAX seats/2) dB for certifications
obtained under 14 CFR part 36, Amendment 21 or earlier; LAmax(G) = 77 + 10log( PAX seats/2) dB for certifications
obtained under 14 CFR part 36, Amendment 22 or later. [FAA-2003-14715, 70 FR 16092, Mar. 29, 2005]