(a) During the project award period and the remainder of the Federal interest period, the grantee must:
(1) Continue to be an eligible organization as described in Sec. 2301.3;
(2) Obtain and continue to hold any necessary FCC authorization(s);
(3) Use the Federal funds for which the grant was made for the equipment and other expenditure items specified in the application for inclusion in the project, except that the grantee may substitute other items where necessary or desirable to carry out the purpose of the project if approved in advance by the Department in writing. These changes include but are not limited to the following:
(i) Costs (including planning costs);
(ii) Essential specifications of the equipment;
(iii) The engineering configuration of the project;
(iv) Extensions of the approved grant award period; and
(v) Transfers of a grant award to a successor in interest, pursuant to Sec. 2301.19(c);
(4) Use the facilities and any monies generated through the use of the facilities primarily for the provision of public telecommunications services and ensure that the use of the facilities for other than public telecommunications purposes does not interfere with the provision of the public telecommunications services for which the grant was made;
(5) Not make its facilities available to any person for the broadcast or other transmission intended to be received directly by the public, of any advertisement, unless such broadcast or transmission is expressly and specifically permitted by law or authorized by the FCC; and
(6) State when advertising for bids for the purchase of equipment that the Federal government has an interest in facilities purchased with Federal funds under this program that begins with the purchase of the facilities and continues for ten (10) years after the completion of the project.
(b) During the period in which the grantee possesses or uses the Federally funded facilities, the grantee may not use or allow the use of the Federally funded equipment for purposes the essential thrust of which are sectarian for the useful life of the equipment even when this extends beyond the ten-year Federal interest period. (See NTIA's policy on sectarian activities at 60 FR 66491, Dec. 22, 1995.)
(c) If necessary to further the purpose of the Act, the Agency may reassign a grant to a successor in interest or subsidiary corporation of a grantee in cases where a similar operational entity remains in control of the grant and the original objectives of the grant remain in effect. Each party must provide, in writing, its assent to the substitution. Any substituted party must meet the eligibility requirements.