(a) The lettering required upon barrels of lime by section 2 of the law shall be as follows: The statement of net weight shall be in boldface capital letters and figures at least 1 inch in height and not expanded or condensed; it shall be clear, legible, and permanent, and so placed with reference to the other lettering that it is conspicuous. The name of the manufacturer of the lime and where manufactured, and, if imported, the name of the country from which it is imported, shall be in boldface letters at least one-half inch in height and not expanded or condensed, and shall be clear, legible, conspicuous, and permanent. None of these letters and figures shall be superimposed upon each other, nor shall any other characters be superimposed upon the required lettering or otherwise obscure it. All the above statements shall form parts of the principal label.
(b) The information required upon containers of lime of less capacity than the standard small barrel by section 3 of the law shall be included in a label: Provided, however, That in order to allow the utilization of second-hand or returnable bags made of cloth, burlap, or the like, such information may be upon a tag firmly attached to the container in a prominent and conspicuous position. In case a tag is used to give the required information there must not be any label or another tag upon the container which bears any statement having reference to lime, or any statement of weight whatever, which is not identical with the information upon the tag mentioned above; if a container is to be utilized which bears any such inaccurate information upon a label, such container shall be turned inside out or such information shall be obliterated in so far as it is inaccurate by blotting out the letters or figures; or if such inaccurate information is upon a tag, by removing such tag.
(c) If the required lettering is upon a label, the statement of net weight shall be in bold-face capital letters and figures at least three-fourths inch in height and not expanded or condensed; it shall be clear, legible, and permanent, and so placed with reference to the other lettering that it is conspicuous. The word ``net'' shall form part of the statement of weight. The name of the manufacturer of the lime and the name of the brand, if any, under which it is sold, and, if imported, the name of the country from which it is imported, shall be in bold face letters at least one-half inch in height and not expanded or condensed, and shall be clear, legible, conspicuous, and permanent. None of these letters and figures shall be superimposed upon each other, nor shall any other characters be superimposed upon the required lettering or otherwise obscure it. All the above statements shall form parts of the principal label.
(d) If the required lettering is upon a tag, the statement of net weight shall be in bold-face capital letters and figures not less than one-half the height of the largest letters or figures used upon such tag: Provided, however, That in every case they shall be not less than one-eighth inch in height (12-point capitals), and not expanded or condensed. The word ``net'' shall form part of the statement of weight. The statement shall be clear, legible, and permanent, and so placed with reference to the other lettering that it is conspicuous. The name of the manufacturer of the lime, and the name of the brand, if any, under which it sold, and, if imported, the name of the country from which it is imported, shall be in bold-face letters and figures not less than one-eighth inch in height (12-point capitals), and not expanded or condensed, and shall be clear, legible, conspicuous, and permanent. None of these letters and figures shall be superimposed upon each other nor shall any other characters be superimposed upon the required lettering or otherwise obscure it. All the above statements shall be included upon the same side of the tag.
(e) In case the lime is actually packed in barrels or in containers of less capacity than the standard small barrel by some person other than the manufacturer of the lime, the information mentioned above must be given in the manner there described, and in addition there must be a statement to this effect: ``Packed by --------------------'' (giving the name and address of the packer). This statement shall be in letters not smaller than is specified for the general statement required in the case of barrels and containers of less capacity than the standard small barrel, respectively (see paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section); it shall not be obscured and shall form part of the principal label or be upon the same side of the tag as in those cases provided.
(f) In the case of all lime sold in barrels, the actual place of manufacture of the lime shall be stated on the barrel. In general, this will be the name of the post office nearest or most accessible to the plant. However, when the actual place of manufacture of the lime and the offices of the company are separated but are within the boundaries of the same county of a State, or when, though not within the boundaries of the same county they are so close together that the post-office address of the offices represents substantially and to all intents and purposes the actual place of manufacture of the lime, then the post-office address of the offices of the company will be sufficient: Provided, however, That the address given shall always correctly show the State in which the lime is actually manufactured.
(g) More than one place of manufacture of a manufacturer shall not be shown on the same barrel unless the one at which the particular lime in question is manufactured is pointed out.
(h) If the location of the home offices is stated and this is not the place of manufacture within the meaning of the above definition, an additional statement must be included to this effect: ``Manufactured at --------------------'' (giving the location of the plant). (Secs. 2, 3, 39 Stat. 530; 15 U.S.C. 238, 239)