(a) The Director, Office of Administrative Services, shall carry out the Department's responsibility to provide, in accordance with applicable law and regulation, the maximum opportunity for qualified blind persons to operate vending stands.
(b) Subject to instructions issued by the Director, Office of Administrative Services, the head of each primary organization unit shall be responsible for implementing this program within his area.
(c) The Director, Office of Administrative Services for the primary organization units located in the main Commerce building and the head of each other primary organization unit will make determinations with respect to the terms of permits including the location and operation of vending stands and machines in their respective areas.
(d) Unresolved differences and significant violations of the terms of permits shall be reported to the State licensing agency. Where no corrective action is forthcoming, the matter shall be referred to the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Department of Education for consideration prior to further action. [28 FR 7772, July 31, 1963, as amended at 55 FR 53489, Dec. 31, 1990]