(a) Declaration requirements for additionally planned activities. (1) You must declare additionally planned production, processing, or consumption of Schedule 2 chemicals after the annual declaration on anticipated activities for the next calendar year has been delivered to BIS if:
(1) You must declare additionally planned production, processing, or consumption of Schedule 2 chemicals after the annual declaration on anticipated activities for the next calendar year has been delivered to BIS if:
(i) You plan that a previously undeclared plant on your plant site under Sec. 713.2(a)(1)(ii) of the CWCR will produce, process, or consume a Schedule 2 chemical above the applicable declaration threshold;
(ii) You plan to produce, process, or consume at a plant declared under Sec. 713.2(a)(1)(ii) of the CWCR an additional Schedule 2 chemical above the applicable declaration threshold;
(iii) You plan an additional activity (production, processing, or consumption) at your declared plant above the applicable declaration threshold for a chemical declared under Sec. 713.2(a)(1)(ii) of the CWCR;
(iv) You plan to increase the production, processing, or consumption of a Schedule 2 chemical by a plant declared under Sec. 713.2(a)(1)(ii) of the CWCR from the amount exceeding the applicable declaration threshold to an amount exceeding the applicable inspection threshold (see Sec. 716.1(b)(2) of the CWCR);
(v) You plan to change the starting or ending date of anticipated production, processing, or consumption declared under Sec. 713.2(a)(1)(ii) of the CWCR by more than three months; or
(vi) You plan to increase your production, processing, or consumption of a Schedule 2 chemical by a declared plant site by 20 percent or more above that declared under Sec. 713.2(a)(1)(ii) of the CWCR.
(2) If you must submit a declaration on additionally planned activities because you plan to engage in any of the activities listed in paragraphs (a)(1)(i) through (vi) of this section, you also should declare changes to your declaration relating to the following activities. You do not have to submit an additionally planned declaration if you are only changing the following non-quantitative activities:
(i) Changes to the plant's production capacity;
(ii) Changes or additions to the product group codes for the plant site or the plant(s);
(iii) Changes to the plant's activity status (i.e., dedicated, multipurpose, or other status);
(iv) Changes to the plant's multipurpose activities;
(v) Changes to the plant site's status relating to domestic transfer of the chemical;
(vi) Changes to the plant site's purposes for which the chemical will be produced, processed or consumed; or
(vii) Changes to the plant site's status relating to exports of the chemical or the addition of new countries for export.
(b) Declaration forms to be used. If you are required to declare additionally planned activities pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, you must complete the Certification Form and Forms 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, and 2-3C as appropriate. Such forms are due to BIS at least 15 days prior to beginning the additional activity.