Declarations, reports, and amendments required under this part must be postmarked by the appropriate date identified in Supplement No. 2 to this part 714 of the CWCR. Required declarations, reports, and amendments include:
(a) Annual declaration on past activities (production of Schedule 3 chemicals during the previous calendar year);
(b) Annual report on exports and imports of Schedule 3 chemicals from plant sites, trading companies, and other persons subject to the CWCR (during the previous calendar year);
(c) Combined declaration and report (production of Schedule 3 chemicals, as well as exports or imports of the same or different Schedule 3 chemicals, by a declared plant site during the previous calendar year);
(d) Annual declaration on anticipated activities (anticipated production of Schedule 3 chemicals during the next calendar year);
(e) Declaration on Additionally Planned Activities (additionally planned production of Schedule 3 chemicals); and
(f) Amended declaration and report, including combined declaration and report.
Sec. Supplement No. 1 to Part 714--Schedule 3 Chemicals ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(CAS registry
number)------------------------------------------------------------------------A. Toxic chemicals:
(1) Phosgene: Carbonyl dichloride.................. (75-44-5)
(2) Cyanogen chloride.............................. (506-77-4)
(3) Hydrogen cyanide............................... (74-90-8)
(4) Chloropicrin: Trichloronitromethane............ (76-06-2)B. Precursors:
(5) Phosphorus oxychloride......................... (10025-87-3)
(6) Phosphorus trichloride......................... (7719-12-2)
(7) Phosphorus pentachloride....................... (10026-13-8)
(8) Trimethyl phosphite............................ (121-45-9)
(9) Triethyl phosphite............................. (122-52-1)
(10) Dimethyl phosphite............................ (868-85-9)
(11) Diethyl phosphite............................. (762-04-9)
(12) Sulfur monochloride........................... (10025-67-9)
(13) Sulfur dichloride............................. (10545-99-0)
(14) Thionyl chloride.............................. (7719-09-7)
(15) Ethyldiethanolamine........................... (139-87-7)
(16) Methyldiethanolamine.......................... (105-59-9)
(17) Triethanolamine............................... (102-71-6)------------------------------------------------------------------------Note to Supplement No. 1: Refer to Supplement No. 1 to part 774 of the
Export Administration Regulations (the Commerce Control List), ECCNs
1C350 and 1C355, for export controls related to Schedule 3 chemicals. Sec. Supplement No. 2 to Part 714--Deadlines for Submission of Schedule
3 Declarations, Reports, and Amendments ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Declarations Applicable forms Due dates------------------------------------------------------------------------Annual Declaration on Past Certification, 3- February 28 of the
Activities (previous calendar 1, 3-2, 3-3 (if year following
year)--Declared plant site also exported or any calendar year
(production). imported), A (as in which the
appropriate), B production of a
(optional). Schedule 3
chemical exceeded
the declaration
threshold in Sec.
of the CWCR.Annual Report on Exports and Certification, 3- February 28 of the
Imports (previous calendar 1, 3-3.3 and 3- year following
year)--Plant site, trading 3.4, A (as any calendar year
company, other persons. appropriate), B in which exports
(optional). or imports of a
Schedule 3
chemical by a
plant site,
trading company,
or other person
subject to the
CWCR (as
described in Sec.
714.2(a) of the
CWCR) exceeded
the threshold in
Sec. 714.2(a)
of the CWCR.Combined Declaration & Report... Certification, 3- February 28 of the
1, 3-2, and 3-3, year following
A (as any calendar year
appropriate), B in which the
(optional). production of a
Schedule 3
chemical and the
export or import
of the same or a
Schedule 3
chemical by a
declared plant
site exceeded the
thresholds in
Sec. Sec.
and 714.2(a),
respectively, of
the CWCR.
Annual Declaration on Certification, 3- September 3 of the
Anticipated Activities 1, 3-2, 3-3.2, A year prior to any
(Production) (next calendar (as appropriate), calendar year in
year). B (optional). which Schedule 3
production is
anticipated to
occur.Declaration on Additionally Certification, 3- 15 calendar days
Planned Activities. 1, 3-3.1 and 3- before the
3.2, A (as additionally
appropriate), B planned activity
(optional). begins.Amended Declaration............. Certification, 3-
1, 3-2, 3-3.
--Declaration information... .................. --15 calendar days
after change in
--Company information....... .................. --30 calendar days
after change in
--Post-inspection letter.... .................. --45 calendar days
after receipt of
letter.Amended Report.................. Certification, 3- --15 calendar days
1, 3-2, 3-3, A after change in
(as appropriate), information.
B (optional).Amended Combined Declaration & Certification, 3- --15 calendar days
Report. 1, 3-2, 3-3, A after change in
(as appropriate), information.
B (optional).------------------------------------------------------------------------