(a) Scope. License Exception CIV authorizes exports and reexports of items on the Commerce Control List (CCL) (Supplement No. 1 to part 774 of the EAR) that have a license requirement to the ultimate destination pursuant to the Commerce Country Chart (Supplement No. 1 to part 738 of the EAR) for NS reasons only; and identified by ``CIV--Yes'' in the License Exception section of the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN), provided the items are destined to civil end-users for civil end-uses in Country Group D:1, except North Korea (Supplement No. 1 to part 740 of this part).
(b) Restrictions--(1) Restricted end-users and end-uses. You may not use CIV if you ``know'' the item will be or is intended to be exported, reexported, or transferred (in-country) to military uses or military end-users. Such exports, reexports, and transfers (in-country) will continue to require a license. In addition to conventional military activities, military uses include any proliferation activities described and prohibited by part 744 of the EAR.
(1) Restricted end-users and end-uses. You may not use CIV if you ``know'' the item will be or is intended to be exported, reexported, or transferred (in-country) to military uses or military end-users. Such exports, reexports, and transfers (in-country) will continue to require a license. In addition to conventional military activities, military uses include any proliferation activities described and prohibited by part 744 of the EAR.
(2) Visa status. Deemed exports under License Exception CIV are not authorized to foreign nationals in an expired visa status. It is the responsibility of the exporter to ensure that, in the case of deemed exports, the foreign national maintains a valid U.S. visa, if required to hold a visa from the United States.
(c) Reporting requirement. See Sec. 743.1 of the EAR for reporting requirements for exports of certain items under this License Exception.
(d) Foreign National Review (FNR) requirement for deemed exports--(1) Submission requirement. Prior to disclosing eligible technology to a foreign national under this License Exception, you must submit a Foreign National Review (FNR) request to BIS, as required under Sec. 748.8(s) of the EAR. Your FNR request must include information about the foreign national required under Sec. 748.8(t) of the EAR and set forth in Supplement No. 2 of part 748 of the EAR.
(1) Submission requirement. Prior to disclosing eligible technology to a foreign national under this License Exception, you must submit a Foreign National Review (FNR) request to BIS, as required under Sec. 748.8(s) of the EAR. Your FNR request must include information about the foreign national required under Sec. 748.8(t) of the EAR and set forth in Supplement No. 2 of part 748 of the EAR.
(2) Confirmation of eligibility. You may not use License Exception CIV for a deemed export until you have obtained confirmation of eligibility by checking the System for Tracking Export License Applications (https://snapr.bis.doc.gov /stela) or through the Simplified Network Application Procedure (https://snapr.bis.doc.gov).
(3) Action by BIS. Within nine business days of the registration of the FNR request, BIS will refer the FNR request electronically, along with all necessary documentation for interagency review, or if necessary return the FNR request without action (e.g., if the information provided is incomplete). Processing time starts at the point at which the notification is registered into BIS's electronic system.
(4) Review by other departments or agencies. The Departments of Defense, State, Energy, and other agencies, as appropriate, may review the FNR request. Within 30 calendar days of receipt of the BIS referral, the reviewing agency will provide BIS with a recommendation either to approve or deny the FNR request. A reviewing agency that fails to provide a recommendation within 30 days shall be deemed to have no objection to the final decision of BIS.
(5) Action on the FNR Request. After the interagency review period, BIS will promptly notify the applicant regarding the FNR request, i.e., whether the FNR request is approved, denied, or more time is needed to consider the request. [69 FR 64493, Nov. 5, 2004, as amended at 73 FR 68324, Nov. 18, 2008; 75 FR 31680, June 4, 2010]