(a) Persons located in the United States. Persons located in the United States may be asked to produce records that are required to be kept by any provision of the EAR, or any license, order, or authorization issued thereunder and to make them available for inspection and copying by any authorized agent, official, or employee of the Bureau of Industry and Security, the U.S. Customs Service, or any other agency of the U.S. Government, without any charge or expense to such agent, official, or employee. The Office of Export Enforcement and the Office of Antiboycott Compliance encourage voluntary cooperation with such requests. When voluntary cooperation is not forthcoming, the Office of Export Enforcement and the Office of Antiboycott Compliance are authorized to issue subpoenas requiring persons to appear and testify, or produce books, records, and other writings. In instances where a person does not comply with a subpoena, the Department of Commerce may petition a district court to have a subpoena enforced.
(b) Persons located outside of the United States. Persons located outside of the United States that are required to keep records by any provision of the EAR or by any license, order, or authorization issued thereunder shall produce all records or reproductions of records required to be kept, and make them available for inspection and copying upon request by an authorized agent, official, or employee of the Bureau of Industry and Security, the U.S. Customs Service, or a Foreign Service post, or by any other accredited representative of the U.S. Government, without any charge or expense to such agent, official or employee. [61 FR 12900, Mar. 25, 1996, as amended at 65 FR 42573, July 10, 2000]