(a) To provide a systematic basis for developing a high quality estuarine resource and ecosystem information base for National Estuarine Research Reserves and, as a result, for the System, NOAA may provide financial support for basic monitoring programs as part of operations and management under Sec. 921.32. Monitoring funds are used to support three major phases of a monitoring program:
(1) Studies necessary to collect data for a comprehensive site description/characterization;
(2) Development of a site profile; and
(3) Formulation and implementation of a monitoring program.
(b) Additional monitoring funds may be available on a competitive basis to the state agency responsible for Reserve management or a qualified public or private person or entity. However, if the applicant is other than the managing entity of a Reserve that applicant must submit as a part of the application a letter from the Reserve manager indicating formal support of the application by the managing entity of the Reserve. Funds provided under this subpart for special monitoring projects are provided in addition to any other funds available to a coastal state under the Act. Federal funds provided under this subpart may not exceed 70 percent of the total cost of the project, consistent with Sec. 921.81(e)(4) (``allowable costs''), except when the financial assistance is provided from amounts recovered as a result of damage to natural resources located in the coastal zone, in which case the assistance may be used to pay 100 percent of the costs.
(c) Monitoring projects funded under this subpart must focus on the resources within the boundaries of the Reserve and must be consistent with the applicable sections of the Estuarine Research Guidelines referenced in Sec. 921.51. Portions of the project may occur within the immediate watershed of the Reserve beyond the site boundaries. However, the monitoring proposal must demonstrate why this is necessary for the success of the project. [58 FR 38215, July 15, 1993, as amended at 62 FR 12541, Mar. 17, 1997]